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Product Packaging — Why It Matters

– Contributed content –

Packaging closeup

26 September 2018. Of course, when you are running a product business, you may think that you need to put all your time and attention into the product itself. But the packaging is an important factor which you shouldn’t overlook. After all, this is often what makes people pick it up off the shelf instead of any similar items out there. Not only this, it may affect the customer’s enjoyment of the product itself.

For example, if you have created a food or drink product, the type of packing you choose can have a big impact on its freshness, flavor etc. There are plenty of reasons why you should swing the focus around to the packaging of your product, and in this blog post, we will cover just a few of the main ones.

Making your brand stand out from the crowd

We live in a world in which brands are everywhere. Customers can walk into a shop to see multiple versions of a similar product, but they will often pick up the same one time after time. And this all comes back to brand loyalty. But when customers are looking for a particular product for the first time, it is often the packaging which will play a big role in making their mind up for them. So, you need to consider closely what your customers are looking for and what is likely to influence their decision. You also need to think about how your product is going to stand out from what your competitors are offering. When you have managed to get your customers to take notice of your product, you have already taken the first step towards them buying it.

Colors, fonts, design, slogans

There is a range of different factors which can influence consumer purchase habits. First of all, you have the colors. Studies have shown that your brain reacts differently depending on the colors it is shown. Even different shades of the same color can convey alternative messages. For example, lighter blues are generally considered to be more playful, whereas darker shades convey something more professional.

Fonts can range from the informal to the sophisticated and should also be selected depending on your target audience. An original and funky design can help to sell your product, but it can also serve a practical purpose as well. Just take a look at child resistant cannabis bags as an example. And when you have grabbed people’s attention, you can sometimes sway their decision with a cleverly-written slogan.

Marketing tool

Marketing your product can be done in a variety of different ways, but one of the most simple is by creating packaging which jumps off the shelf with its appearance. Think about what your packaging is saying about your product ahead of all the other competitors which you are facing out there. Are there any other promotions which can help to sway people’s decision such as a free gift, bonus content etc? Ultimately, your packaging can lend you a big helping hand when it comes to getting more people to notice your product.

Increasing brand recognition

We live in a world in which brand is king. When people recognize and like a product, they are likely to come back to use it time and time again. If you think about your favorite brands, you will instantly be able to conjure up an image of them in your mind. Not only this, but you will also be able to feel some emotions towards them. This is why it is so important to take the time to build your brand in a way which best expresses your business and everything it stands for. Your packaging is obviously going to be a central representation of your brand, and one which you should take the time to make sure that it retains its consistency and character. If you are going to put your business through a rebrand, you need to take the time to know why you are doing this and what the benefits are going to be.

Your product packaging is so much more than just a practical feature – it is also an invaluable marketing tool which you need to make the most of. These are just some of the main reasons why you need to give it the attention that it deserves.

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