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Want Small Business Success? You Need to Keep Up With the Times

– Contributed content –

Desktop mouse, pen in hand
(Vojtech Okenka,

2 Oct. 2018. If you want to future-proof your business and ensure that your venture stands the test of time, the most important thing is to be adaptable. When consumer demand changes and technology advances, it’s very easy for companies to be made obsolete if they’re not being flexible and moving with the times. Here are just a few of the ways you can help to secure success in your SMB, both now and in the future.

Keep an eye on the outside world

This involves keeping tabs on your competitors as well as the world around you. Take the current health movement for example, based on research, search engine results and the success of certain products we can see that consumers are more health conscious than ever before. So if you’re a food and drinks company for example, taking this on board and adding things like gluten free, vegan, dairy free, low sugar and other healthier alternatives to your range could be a smart move.

Changing technology could also render your business useless. Take internet cafes as an example, these were once thriving businesses but when the internet became commonplace in people’s homes they were no longer needed. Savvy entrepreneurs rebranded as student study cafes, or places where those on a low income or without access to a computer could come to find a job online. When you’re aware of the market and changes, you can adapt your business rather than it ending up being useless.


We live in a world where everyone is so connected, which can really make life easier as a business owner. One of the biggest benefits is being able to outsource work- here you can hire a professional third party company on a project by project basis or even have them run your entire department. This means you can keep your business on the smaller side- without the need to hire more employees or bigger premises.

But you have the manpower to be able to take on extra work and therefore grow your company. Whether it’s accounting, content creation, online marketing services or your legal department, outsourcing takes a weight off your shoulders as you know that all of the work is being done to the highest standard.

Consider modern business practices

There are a number of things that modern business owners have found really help with productivity, worker mood and more. For example, working from home is something that’s now possible due to advancing technology- and many entrepreneurs have found is really beneficial. It reduces sick days and unplanned time off, improves worker mood and reduces their stress levels.

This is something that simply wouldn’t have been a possibility for most businesses in times gone by. You could have a completely remote workforce, or just allow employees to work from home certain days of the week. Better employee mood tends to mean better productivity and a higher quality of work.

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