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Making And Breaking Your Business Strategy

– Contributed content –

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(coyot, Pixabay)

31 Oct. 2018. Sometimes in the business world, we can get too consumed with what we are doing and less involved in the actual output of what is going on. The truth is any business wants to grow, sell their products or services and move forward. But it can be so easy to get stuck in a rut, especially if you have no business strategy to take you where you want to go. I thought I would share with you some of the makes and breaks of a business a strategy and hopefully, it might highlight what you can or should be changing yourself.

Search engine optimization – Make

Everything is online these days, but how do people find you and your business? Mostly people will type in a few words into a search engine like Google and look at the first few results. Simple! But not if you don’t rank with Google. SEO can really make your business and for more information you may want to check out some of the SEO books for insight. Getting your site optimized is one thing, but you also need to consider how it is linked back to you in order to rank well with search engines.

Just building your web site – Break

The old strategy of “build it and they will come” isn’t going to work in this digital age anymore. People are becoming savvier to the choice they have in pretty much every avenue in life. You might not be the only business providing the product or service that person needs. This is when you need to differentiate yourself and explore avenues to guide people to your site.

Advertising on social media – Make

Social media is a huge entity these days and can be a massive advertising opportunity for any business. You can extend your reach and let’s face it, many consumers spend much of their spare time scrolling through their own social media feeds so this can be a huge advertising avenue to explore. Sharing pictures and content with your followers and engaging with comments is a great way to improve your business growth.

Not having a strategy in place for content – Break

However, failing to have some sort of social media strategy in place means that you may not be utilizing this avenue as best as you could. Think about the content you want to publish and research the best times to share. Plenty of articles online have tips on how to create your own social media strategy.

Outsourcing when needed – Make

Sometimes it is essential to outsource jobs and departmental duties as and when they arise. Some business owners consider these sorts of services for payroll, administration, social media management and even digital and web services like creating and maintaining the web site.

Dealing with every job role – Break

However, if you feel like you can’t trust anyone and want to handle every job role within your business, then this can be your downfall. You are one person, and running a business often means having a decent team around you.

I hope that this has highlighted a few areas in which you can improve your business strategy moving forward.

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