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19 Nov. 2018. These are strange times. We’re living through a revolution – the digital one – that will have an even bigger impact on the world than the industrial revolution, and no-one’s quite sure what the future is going to hold. One thing’s for sure, though, and that’s that technology is going to become even more intertwined with our jobs, to the point where it might take our job altogether.
The experts predict that somewhere in the region of 40% of jobs could be lost to automation in the next couple of decades, and that’s just a starting point. Who knows where it’ll end up? But fear not, because there are some jobs that are less likely to be affected by the rise of the machines. We take a look at some of these positions below.
Health care options
There’s one thing that a robot will never have: the human factor. So anything that relies on that as a core aspect of the role, such as most anything related to healthcare, will be pretty safe. While it’s likely that robots may be used for things like routine surgeries, they’re not going to replace doctors, more work by their side. So if you have a natural affinity for helping others, this future-proof industry might be the way to go.
All things tech
It feels like technology is everywhere, doesn’t it? But it’s not. In terms of the “digital revolution,” we’re still in the early days. There are bigger and better things coming up ahead! So anyone who studies for a tech-related job will be likely to be high in demand in the future. The people who are in charge of the world’s tech companies aren’t planning on withdrawing their all-encompassing reach any time soon, after all.
Logistical issues
The world is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. We’re no longer buying items that were made down the road, but from all over the globe. Because this is a complicated industry that depends on many factors, it’s a job that requires human intelligence and common sense to work hand in hand. Figuring out the logistical side is one aspect; the practical side – driving – is the other.
While some truck routes will be automated, others, such as refrigerated trucking, won’t be, since they require human hands to adjust temperatures and clean the units after delivery. If you’re interested in this type of work, then check out http://www.corcorantrucking.com/reefer. They provide jobs that offer high levels of satisfaction.
Training the robots
The robots that are on their way aren’t going to be like an alien, invasive species. They’re going to need people behind them. Indeed, while the first batch of automated AI workers will be rolled out shortly, it’ll be a long time until they’re found everywhere. The development, transition, and maintenance of these robots are going to be highly important in the coming decades, so you can feel reasonably confident that you’ll be in a secure – not to mention lucrative – position should you take this career path.
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