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Making Your Business More Energy Efficient

– Contributed content –

Laptop, chart, and camera
(, Pexels)

27 Nov. 2018. If your business is not energy efficient then you will be spending way more on energy than you need. You will also not be doing your part for the environment and it will also be harder for you to attract green clients. If you want to avoid all of this then you will be glad to know that making your business more energy efficient is now easier than ever before.

Switch to laptops

Laptops actually use up to 80% less energy when compared to desktop models. If you were to trade in all of your desktop PCs for laptops then you would be saving considerably and you would also be advancing the technology of your business. When you do this, you also give your employees the chance to work where they want as well, and this level of freedom can really boost your employee morale.

Sleep mode

You probably have a ton of devices across your business, and for this reason it is important that you enable the sleep setting on all of them. This is very easy to do and if your device is not used in a few minutes then it will go into a low power mode. This uses up 70 percent less energy when compared to full power mode and this is a fantastic way for you to make your company greener. It doesn’t take much to boot your device up again either, so do keep that in mind.

Shut everything down

At night, you don’t want to leave your devices in low power mode. You want to shut them off completely. You would be surprised at how much energy you waste by having your devices operating like this overnight. If you don’t want to worry about turning all of your devices off manually then you can easily connect them to a single circuit that can be controlled with the click of a button.


Timers are a fantastic way for you to save money. They are ideal for things like water coolers and even coffee machines, as it means that your device isn’t working hard to keep the coffee hot, or the water cold when you are out of the office.

Keep your fridges small

A lot of companies think that they are saving money when they choose not to invest in a new refrigerator. This is not the case at all, and the cost of running your old fridge could come to more than the cost of buying a new one. For this reason, you need to keep upgrading your fridge and you also need to look into a smaller model if you know that you don’t need a bigger one.


If you have an air conditioning unit then you need to clean it out on a regular basis. If you don’t then this will make the whole device very inefficient and it will also make it very difficult for you to maintain the temperature of your building. If you need some support then consider hiring a commercial air conditioning service.

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