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IT Glitches In Business – Dos and Don’ts

– Contributed content –

System error codes
(PagDev, Pixabay)

18 Dec. 2018. For any business, the threat of IT glitches is a constant concern. Unfortunately, for most companies, the concern is justified; IT glitches can and do happen, causing relative chaos from the moment the problem is discovered.

If, like any modern business owner, you have come to rely on your IT systems and network in order for your business to function, a glitch can be a cause for great panic. However, no matter what the glitch is, there are a few “dos” and “don’ts” that can help you get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Do… inform your customers

If your customers will be impacted by the glitch, inform them of the problem as soon as possible. A general message on your social media accounts will usually suffice, apologizing for the issue and promising all will be back to normal soon.

Don’t… DIY a fix

Unless you know exactly what to do to resolve the issue, avoid attempting to DIY a solution. All IT systems and networks are inherently sensitive, and even the most well-meaning of attempts to fix the issue could result in the problem becoming more widespread. It is therefore far better for your business if you, and your staff, step away and call for professional assistance.

Do… assign new tasks

If your staff cannot work due to a severe glitch with your IT systems, assign new, non-computer related tasks as quickly as possible. Most companies will always have something that can be done, but if you’re short on ideas, the old default of sorting through old paperwork is a decent fall-back option. Essentially, any activity that keeps your staff busy, and allows the experts to work on the glitch without disturbance, is a good choice.

Don’t… forget to update your customers

In the case of major problems, a single social media update is insufficient. If the issue lasts for more than three hours, a follow-up is required – even though you will primarily be providing the same information as you did in the first message. Even if the information hasn’t changed, it’s still important to update, to show that your business is aware of the issue and is actively trying to resolve it. Your customers will feel reassured by your proactivity.

Do… apologize

Even if the glitch was not your fault, an apology to both your staff and customers is still beneficial.

Don’t… announce the issue is fixed until you are certain this is the case

Even the most forgiving of customers will think badly of a company who announce a glitch is fixed, only to then have to re-announce there is still an issue a few hours later. It’s better for your company’s reputation to wait until you’re certain all is well, even if you are feeling the pressure to make an announcement.

Do… look at ways of preventing the issue from occurring again

When the glitch is rectified, look at ways you could prevent such a scenario from developing again in future with the help of a strategic IT consulting firm you can trust. With this step, you can come to view the initial glitch as little more than a learning experience – and one that your company is soon able to move past.

In conclusion

If you can ensure you follow the above “dos” and “don’ts”, any IT glitch your company experiences should be as well-managed as it can possibly be and help to ensure that no such problems reoccur in future – much to the benefit of your business as a whole.

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