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Infographic – London Tops Favorite European Workplaces

Desired cities to work
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29 Dec. 2018. Brexit, shmexit. A recent study from labor market research company Intelligence Group shows London is the most desired place to work for Europeans today. Our friends at Statista illustrate the report’s findings, based on data from 60,000 respondents in 28 countries, our infographic for this weekend.

The results show about a quarter of Europeans (26%) cite London as their most desired city to work. That’s a full 9 points ahead of New York (17%) and twice the rate of Paris (13%). Berlin and Sydney each are mentioned by 10 percent or more of respondents. In August, the Economist newspaper rated Vienna as the world’s most livable city, but Vienna ranks 9th on the list of desired working cities with 6 percent of responses, about the same as Los Angeles and Rome.

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