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Make The Office A Happier Place

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28 Jan. 2019. Happy workers are healthy workers. It’s a fact, and as a business owner it is your job to make sure that the people who spend their time working for you are looked after and that they are happy. Today we are going to take a look at some of the ways you can make your office a happier place for everyone inside it and how you can ensure that the people who work for you are mentally healthy.

Open up to the outside

If you are looking at ways to improve employee mental health this year, one of the things you can consider working on is an outdoor area where people can sit or work when they need some quiet time. This could be a roof terrace if you are in the city, or a small garden outside the building. Fresh air and bring outside can make all the difference to the stress levels and mood of your workers so it is always a good idea for you to have an outdoor space for them to enjoy.

Make it homely

An office doesn’t have to be a place which is all work and no play. Your employees will spend half of their time here with you and this is why it is a good idea to make the office more friendly and homely for everyone. For your office this can mean comfier chairs for them to sit on, blankets for in the winter when people are cold, Reed diffusers for a fresh scent and even plants for a touch of color and life. Anything you can do to make the office feel more like Home will encourage your workers to be happier and more relaxed in their seats.

Have downtime

The office working environment isn’t the same as it was 10 years ago. With a wave of younger people coming in and running businesses we have seen a positive shift in the attitude to working which can make people much happier. For example a lot of people these days have specific times of the day where workers can have 15 minutes doing nothing. It could be a quick walk around outside, a game of table tennis in the break room or something else, but the idea of workers being able to chill out for a small amount of time can increase productivity every day and make them much more likely to work hard.

Open it up

One of the things which is pretty old fashioned about offices these days is the idea of people being in cubicles or in separate rooms away from each other. In this day and age it is always good to have a happy atmosphere in an office, and an open plan office can allow people to talk to each other throughout the day and will make it easier for people to bond with their colleagues.

Make a game room

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy… in other words, as much as you want your workers to be working in the office, you can actually benefit a lot from having a games room too. At lunchtime people can go in and play different games against each other and you can even make an office tournament which you can have fun with and reward the winner with a prize. It is a good way to bond as a team and make your workers happy to come in.

Air flow

Oxygen is everywhere, sure, but if you really want to make your workers happy and allow them to work more efficiently it is always a good idea to have some air flowing through the office. This can be with windows in the summer and air con in the winter and it will keep your workers healthy, more alert and ready to work.

Have an art contest

A fun idea for any office who has a large wall left blank would be to get people to add their own art to the wall. It doesn’t mean that everyone in the office has to be fabulous at drawing, but it can be a great idea to get people to doodle something fun and have it on display. The winner will get a treat but everyone else’s work will be on display and it will act as a funny talking point for you and your workers as you try to work out what some of these pieces are! You’ll bond and add some color to the walls at the same time.

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