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Four Developments Revolutionizing Health Care

Medical gear
(Rawpixel, Pixabay)

13 Feb. 2019. Health care in the U.S. is often a controversial issue. It is also a field in which radical developments are occurring at an intense rate. In fact, within the next five years, the field is primed to be completely revolutionized. A topic discussed in more detail below.

3-D printing

Plastic extruders used for building models is how most people see 3-D printing at the moment. However,  its applications, especially in the medical field, are much more extensive than that. In fact, even as we speak 3-D printing is being used to create lighter and more comfortable prosthesis for amputees.

It also has enormous potential in the field of organ transplant and replacement as well. In fact, researchers are currently in the process of trialing organs printed from biological materials. This being something that would not only reduce the need for donors, and so increase the availability of transplant organs, but would also minimize the risk of rejection. The reason being that the organs could be created in line with individuals blood types and biological makeup.

Virtual reality

When you go to the hospital for a procedure, and they tell you a student nurse or doctor will be doing it, how do you feel? Well, for many their anxiety immediately goes up, and this is understandable because a student won’t be as experienced as someone that is fully qualified. It could even be their first time doing that procedure.

Happily, this is another area in which health care will be revolutionized in the next 5 years, and it will be through VR. Something that provides students with the opportunity to practice in a realistic 3-D environment and get good at what they are doing before they are let anywhere near a patient.


Now, politics won’t revolutionize health care in the sense that it has any practical applications for new tech, but it’s still a key influence on what the average American can expect from their field in the coming years.

This is because politics will dictate what research is funded, and how health care is provided to US citizens as well. What that means is that every vote matters, and it’s crucial that you exercise your right to control who is in power. Your life or the lives of those you love may depend on it.

The IoMT

The internet of medical things or the IoMT is another way that health care could be revolutionized over the next 5 years. In particular, it has many applications for doctors and patients because wireless wearable and trackable devices can provide detailed information about a patient’s condition.

In fact, some researchers are exploring the possibility of using tracking devices in medicine that allows both patient and doctors to know that it is being administered on time and in the correct manner.

Of course, for the IoMT to be successful, the issues around health and personal security also need to be addressed. The reason being that any device that can emit and receive a signal wirelessly also has the potential to be hacked. Something that could be both dangerous for the individual concerned, and have a wider effect of putting people off using such revolutionary and life-changing health care tech.

Editor’s note: The opinions in this post are the contributor’s and not those of Science & Enterprise.

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