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New on Medium – Guide to Demystify A.I.

Artificial intelligence graphic
(Gerd Altmann, Pixabay)

15 Apr. 2019. We report a lot about artificial intelligence here on Science & Enterprise, so I decided to share reporting tips on A.I. with fellow journalists to help make the algorithms in our lives more understandable to lay readers. We posted the story last night on the publishing site Medium.

The story recommends reporters ask A.I. systems developers the kinds of questions they would ask other subjects: What does your product do? How does it do what it claims? And how do you know if it’s any good? Our story refines those 3 broad questions into 7 more specific queries about machine learning algorithms, and provides a recent example from the pages of Science & Enterprise to illustrate their use.

As we say in the story, it’s better to light a candle than curse the algorithm. Check it out.

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