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Why eLearning Is the Way of the Future

– Contributed content –

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(Kaboompics, Pixabay)

7 Aug. 2019. eLearning – the process of educating yourself (or helping other people to educate themselves,) through the medium of software programs, web resources, and other electronic tools and technologies.

Whether you are just curious about what technological trends are going to dominate in the near future, or whether you’re interested in getting involved in up-and-coming industries as an entrepreneur, and have thought to find top custom eLearning content providers to spearhead your efforts, there are plenty of reasons to take this developing industry and trend seriously.

With resources such as Coursera already been well established, and developing by leaps and bounds with every year, and with plenty of other companies moving into the e-learning space, here are a few reasons to think eLearning might be the way of the future.

Much more freedom and flexibility than traditional avenues of education

Traditionally, pursuing formal education, or training of one type or another, would require you to not only sacrifice money and time, but also to make yourself physically available in a given area, during a prescribed number of hours each week.

While eLearning doesn’t necessarily free you from having to pay fees, and certainly doesn’t free you from having to invest some of your own time, it does offer much more freedom and flexibility than traditional avenues of education in a variety of ways.

When studying via an eLearning platform, hours are often completely flexible depending on your particular life circumstances. And, of course, you can almost always work from wherever you like – whether that’s your own living room or the local coffee shop.

These days, more and more of us are constantly on the move, and may struggle to turn up to a university or college day after day in the traditional way. eLearning overcomes this hurdle – and that’s huge.

As technology (and bandwidth) improve, eLearning becomes infinitely more feasible

The primary limiting factor in eLearning in the past was simply that the technology wasn’t really up to scratch. The Internet was slow, bandwidth was an issue, websites couldn’t necessarily offer accessible platforms for content, computers couldn’t run sufficiently sophisticated software, and all the rest.

As anyone living today is well aware, however, electronic technology is constantly growing by leaps and bounds – and with each cluster of changes and improvements, eLearning becomes more and more technically viable and affordable.

Already, major eLearning platforms are now offering smartphone apps so that learners can access their course materials on the go, in mere seconds.

The more this trend continues, the likelier eLearning is to become increasingly dominant.

A more cost-effective solution for all involved

There are various costs involved in traditional forms of education that just aren’t innately a part of the eLearning experience.

A conventional university or college, for example, has to provide physical premises where learning can take place. They need to pay for cleaners, perhaps handle catering, and many other business expenses.

Students, for their part, have transport costs to contend with, rent payments to make (when it comes to living near or on campus), and more.

eLearning platforms, by their very nature, cut out many of these standard running costs, and ensure that the whole process can be significantly more cost-effective for all involved.

And if history has taught us anything, it should be that cost-effective solutions tend to prosper.

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