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Five Tips For Business Start-Ups

– Contributed content –

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(StartupStockPhoto, Pixabay)

8 Oct. 2019. When you are starting up your own business you will have a myriad of ideas and priorities that you are working on at any one time. We know what it is like as you work late into the night every single night ensuring that you have everything in place to start your business and then maintain it going forward. The challenge can sometimes be in knowing which areas are the ones to focus on and prioritize. This is why today we are sharing with you our 5 must-do tips for business startups.

Ensure that you know your obligations

Before you start trading it is worth spending some time going through this Start Your Own Business section to ensure that you are fully conversant with all of your tax obligations and are aware of any legal and regulatory rules that may affect your business.

Ignorance of any of these areas is not an acceptable excuse so take a little time now before your business gets off the ground to ensure that you have everything that you need in place.

It might then be worth hiring an accountant or investing in some bookkeeping software to help you to stay on top of everything going forward.

Get online

There is no question that being online will enhance your business. Having your own website will ensure that your business looks professional, help people to find you and contact you easily and be a place where you can showcase all that you can offer.

It is relatively easy to set up your own website, though there are plenty of people out there that will be able to help you if this is really not something that you are comfortable doing yourself.

Ensure that the website has your branding and visuals throughout so that it is instantly recognised as your brand, and share a little about your business and the ethos and reasons behind it, along with pages showcasing all that you can offer.

Along with your website, it is worth taking advantage of social media. It is free to use and you can be up and running on a platform within ten to fifteen minutes. Social media gives you the chance to reach out to a new audience and engage and interact with your existing customers and clients.

Use the experts

There are so many things that you need to learn and understand when you are starting up your own business. You will learn more than you ever knew that you needed to know. However, there are some areas that you are going to be better served using the experts rather than trying to work it out for yourself.

From specialists that are helping smaller companies deal with their mobile challenges to experts in the digital marketing industry for startups, there is plenty of help available. Have a think about what your business needs are and get in touch with the relevant professionals to give you a hand.

Have a soft launch 

It is always worth having a soft launch of your business, rather than making a huge song and dance about it on its first day.

A soft launch allows you to test out your systems, gives your staff a chance to learn the ropes and allows for any glitches to be ironed out. It gives you the opportunity to assess how your business runs without the extra pressures of lots of customers that you are keen to please.

After a short period of time you are likely to have things running as smoothly as possible so you can then go for a big launch and start shouting about what you do and inviting people to visit you.

Build in breaks

This final point is for you. We know how enthusiastic and determined you are to see your business become a success, but you must build in breaks for yourself.

It can be easy to become completely absorbed when you are getting your business off the ground. It does take blood, sweat and tears and many hours of hard work, so we are not suggesting you swan off for a two week vacation the week after you launch. However, you should try to have at least one evening off a week, take the odd half an hour lunch break and get out of the office or switch off and read a book during your commute.

Look for little pockets of time that you can take to relax and recharge as you need to avoid burnout.

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