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Ways To Protect Your Business Online

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15 Oct. 2019. If you run most of your business online you need to be sure you’re doing everything you can to keep it safe. With viruses, hackers and fraud just a few of the things you need to be wary of, improving your cybersecurity measures has never been more important. While it may seem impossible at first, there are lots of tips and tricks you can pick up to help ensure you’re being as safe as you possibly can. With that in mind, here are 9 ways to protect your business online: 

Ensure you’re only downloading trustworthy software

One of the best things you can do when it comes to protecting your business online is ensuring you’re only downloading trustworthy files and software. While it may be difficult to spot untrustworthy sites, to begin with, you need to ensure you’re familiarizing yourself with the red flags. From grammatical errors to no SSL certificate, there are lots of reasons you should be questioning the legitimacy of a website. For more information when it comes to the legitimacy of a website, you can visit this handy site here.

Password protect your important files and assets

Another important thing to remember is to password to protect all of your important files from assets. Whether you’re protecting your files from employees or protecting them from potential hackers, you need to be sure valuable and sensitive information is kept safe. While it might take time, make sure you’re setting different passwords for each file. 

Limit employee access to shared files

Although you may trust the employees you have within your business, you need to be sure you’re limiting their access to files. While they may not use the files in a malicious way, they may accidentally access them and make changes or delete them. If you have password-protected them, however, you can ensure this won’t happen. All you need to do is make sure only the relevant people have access to them.

When it comes to data, you also need to ensure these files are protected, especially as there are a number of different laws and legislation that state this. For more information when it comes to online privacy, you can visit this site here.

Make sure you have antivirus software on all of your machines

Another great way to protect your business online is to ensure you have antivirus software on all of your machines. From laptops to computers and mobile phones to tablets, you need to protect them all – especially if they’re on the same server. 

Although it can be expensive to install antivirus software on all of your machines, it’s vital when it comes to protecting your assets. For more information when it comes to antivirus software for businesses, you can visit this site here.

Hire an in-house IT team to oversee cybersecurity 

If you’re really concerned when it comes to online safety and cybersecurity, you might want to consider hiring an in-house IT team to oversee everything. Whether this means you hire someone on a freelance basis or you hire them full time, you can be sure they’re going to keep your business safe at all times.

If you don’t need to hire someone permanently, you may also want to consider hiring them on an outsourcing basis to help cut costs. 

Consider two-step verification on social media

Another important thing to consider when it comes to protecting your business online is social media. There are lots of trials and tribulations when it comes to protecting your social media so it’s important you’re doing everything you can to stay safe. One of the best ways, of course, is to set up two-step verification on your social media channels.

What this means is that when someone tries to log into your account, they will be given a two-step process to follow. Chances are, most hackers won’t be able to pass both stages. Although it can’t protect your accounts fully, it’s the best way to ensure they don’t end up in the wrong hands.

Think about what you’re posting on social media

Speaking of social media, it’s important you think about what you’re posting. Although you may have a business account, a lot of small businesses and entrepreneurs like to post a behind the scenes look at the running of their business.

If this is you, you need to be sure you’re not posting anything that causes you harm. From accidentally posting your home address to sharing details of a product before it is launched, you never know who could be watching your channels. For tips and tricks when it comes to staying safe on social media, you can visit this site here.

Make sure you’re making regular backups of your files

Another great way to protect your business online is to ensure you’re making regular backups of your files, especially those that are considered to be important.

One of the best ways to ensure your files are being backed up is to download software that will automatically back them up every few days. While this can be expensive, it’s one of the best ways to ensure you’re not losing anything important. All you need to do should you experience a system failure is restore back to the last save, bringing all of your files back.

Educate your employees on cyber security 

Finally, you need to be sure you’re educating your employees on cybersecurity. Although this may not be the first thing on their mind, ensuring everyone is in the know is a great way to make sure nothing goes wrong. It’s easy to make mistakes so if everyone knows how to stay safe, the chances of that will be much lower.

If you’re unsure about educating your employees on cybersecurity, it might be worth speaking to a specialist. They will be able to advise you when it comes to training, costs and the best plan of action.

Do you struggle when it comes to protecting your business online? What measures can you take to ensure you’re being as safe as you possibly can be? Answering these questions should help you get started.

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