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Three Tech Trends to Watch

– Contributed content –

Artificial intelligence graphic
(Gerd Altmann, Pixabay)

17 Oct. 2019. The world of business and technology moves fast and keeping up with the latest innovations is almost a full-time job in itself, but if you’re committed to keeping your business on point with the latest technology then you’ve come to the right place.

In this blog we take a look at the business and science-technology trends that we’re likely to witness in the next 12 months. Whether you work in IT services or provide custom-made parts, such as fluid level sensors, you’re going to be glad that you kept your finger on the pulse of tech’s future.


This is so much more than just a rumor but the roll out of 5G technology has been frustratingly slow for everyone.

Not only will you be looking at extremely fast download speeds to rival a good wifi network but there will be a significant increase in bandwidth. This bandwidth will allow for greater possibility for things like drone delivery, driverless cars and so on. A significant step forward for many businesses.


Artificial Intelligence is always on our watch-list and the technological advances of the last ten years in AI have been staggering. There is only room for this tech to go forward and serve businesses in even greater depth.

Smartbots already have the lead in providing online customer service support and its this sector where we’ll probably see significant movement. Predicting customer needs and supplying information and services without the need for direct human involvement frees up your team to get on with the job of driving up sales, leaving AI to focus on dealing with your existing customers.

In medicine too we’re sure to see AI better coping with storing and accessing medical databases and being used in surgical procedures. An exciting time for this technology.

The IoT

IoT or the Internet of Things has been around for some years already and is not without its flaws. One of the greatest flaws is connected to its security issues. While it is beneficial to link up your smart tech to other devices around your home or business it can leave the not-so-smart tech open to cyber attack, exposing the rest of your network.

As even the most basic functions, such as doorbells and light bulbs become smarter and better protected, able to download security software, the whole IoT system will become better protected. This will be true whether you’re looking at a domestic or industrial setting.

Better connectivity and the safe integration of your devices can only lead to a more productive workforce and a faster turnover of work. Keep an eye for smarter smart tech, for AI services that free up your time and for a 5G network that might finally be rolled out across the globe.

IT and tech advances don’t stop for anyone so get on board with the latest breakthroughs and see how they might start benefiting your business. Get prepared because the future is just around the corner.

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