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Guidelines for Training New Employees

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(Startup Stock Photos, Pexels)

20 Nov. 2019. Managing new team members will require a high amount of patience, communication and time. You have to make sure that you train them on the specific procedures that you have at your company and you also need to let them know what is expected of them as well. As if that wasn’t enough, you also need to remember that individuals learn at different rates, so you need to give everyone the support that they need, every step of the way.

Listen to their ideas

Sure, you may be the one training your team on how things need to be done but communication is a two-way street. Listen to their ideas and encourage them to be creative and innovative. You never know, they may have ideas that will help to improve your department and if this is the case then you should really take them on board.  This can put your business in a very strong position and you may even find that it helps you to focus on what the future holds.

Don’t neglect your senior employees

Employees that have been in business for quite some time can be a valuable resource. You need to be sensitive to their needs while you train up your new employees. A new team member may take up quite a lot of your time and resources, but that being said, you need to make sure that you don’t neglect the rest of your team because if you do then this could lead to problems later down the line.

Enlist mentors

Another way for you to make sure that your other team members still feel valued would be for you to nominate them as mentors. When you do, you can easily broaden their skill set while also giving them more responsibility. This frees up your own time and it may even instill a sense of camaraderie as well. Things like this can work wonders for your team spirit and you may even find that you are able to be more productive as a result.

Set realistic goals

You have to make sure that you set specific goals for any new employees you hire. It’s also important that you list the goals clearly as well. If you are too aggressive with the targets that you set then you may find that your employees spend most of their time recapping what they learnt in their training, rather than pursuing the goals that have been set. This can hinder their learning experience and it may even make it harder for them to catch up as well. If you want to help yourself then you need to take a detailed assessment of their skill level and experience. After all, a new hire who has never worked in the industry before may not be able to pick things up as quickly as someone who has been working in the sector for quite some time.

Provide feedback

This really is key.  New employees need to have a lot of feedback because it shows them not only what they are doing wrong, but also what they are doing right. If employees are constantly making mistakes, then this will make it even harder for them to learn new things.

Don’t play favorites

If you are hiring a new group of employees for your team then don’t show any favoritism. Managers have to be fair and they also need to treat all employees the same. If you show favoritism because someone has more experience or because they pick up things faster, then this will breed competitiveness and it will also leave other team members feeling unappreciated. Remember that just because one team member is picking things up faster, doesn’t mean that you should give them all responsibility. In fact, it really means that the other team members need more support so make sure that you keep this in mind.

Team building

As you train your new team member, you need to make sure that they feel part of the team. Make sure that their schedule has some spare time so that they can interact with other people as well. It also helps to have some team events too. Explain the parameters beforehand and also help them to know how they could participate. When you do, you may find that you are able to give everyone more support and that you are also able to bring everyone together.

Offer Additional Training

You really do want your team to feel as though they are being given the chance to progress in their field. Instead of hiring new team members to fill a role, consider seeing if the team members you have now want to train and fill it themselves. If this involves them undergoing hazardous materials training then make sure that you give them the option, or even ask them if they would like to pay to enroll if you can’t afford it.

Celebrate success

As your team members become better at their job and as they become much more productive, they will then start to meet the goals that you have set much more efficiently. If you want to help your team then you need to track their success and you also need to monitor each member’s contribution overall. When you do, you will then be given the chance to really support them while also helping those who might be falling behind.

Of course, if you hire new team members then you need to make sure that you are giving them the best and most nurturing working environment. If you aren’t then they might never achieve their full potential, or they may grow unhappy with your work culture. Another way for you to include new team members would be for you to have an open working environment. Break down barriers by investing in an open plan layout or even try and help them to understand how their contribution makes a difference to your results overall. Giving your team a bonus at the end of the year will also help them out by a huge amount.

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