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Science & Enterprise Year in Review

Crispr explainer
Click on image for full-size view (CB Insights)

31 Dec. 2019. Let’s take a look back at 2019, as the year comes to a close.

Since we cover the worlds of business and science, two domains that depend on quantitative evidence, we’ll start with some numbers. In 2019, through yesterday, Science & Enterprise drew more than 36,000 unique visitors totaling some 60,000 page views. About six of every 10 page views (59%), came from the U.S., with India, the U.K., Canada, and Korea providing 1,000 or more views of the site.

The most viewed page on Science & Enterprise is the site’s home page with nearly one in three page views, but looking at traffic on individual stories offers some insights into reader interests and preferences. Counting down the five most viewed individual stories posted in 2019 …

5. … 9 February 2019.

One hot topic we’ve covered almost from the beginning at Science & Enterprise is Crispr — clustered, regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats — a genome editing technique derived from bacterial defense systems. Our weekend infographic from CB Insights offers a good illustrated introduction to the technique (see image at top).

4. … 9 September 2019

Science & Enterprise often covers new businesses spun off from university research labs, so when Pitchbook released its annual ranking of campus start-ups, we were there. Pitchbook included universities worldwide in its tally, and highlighted women-led start-ups, which generated much of the story’s buzz.

3. … 28 March 2019

A continuing topic we follow on Science & Enterprise is medical devices to treat psychiatric and neurological disorders. This story about a system made by a company in Indiana and authorized by the Food and Drug Administration to treat depression, anxiety, and insomnia hit home with many readers.

2. … 23 September 2019

FDA also figured into our second most-read story, in this case new guidance to developers of new drugs and biologics for treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with no cures and few effective treatments for slowing progression of the disease. The document provides industry “with the FDA’s current scientific thinking so that effective treatments with a favorable benefit to risk profile can be most efficiently developed, studied, and ultimately made available to patients.”

1. … 24 June 2019

Our most-viewed new story is from an academic/industry research team in Australia that tells how a synthetic cannabidiol, or CBD, compound is as effective as current antibiotics against a class of microbes that includes Staphyloccocus and Streptococcus bacteria. Antibiotic resistance is one of those stories we’ve covered at Science & Enterprise from our earliest days and is the focus of our special report last week.

The year 2020 marks our 10th year as a publication, and we’ll certainly have another look back when we reach that milestone. We’re hoping your new year is meaningful and fulfilling. Thank you for your continued readership.

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