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Stop Getting Scammed Online

– Contributed content –

(bykst, Pixabay)

7 Jan. 2020. There are a lot of dangers on the internet, and even though we might be aware of some of them, the threats can change on a regular basis. To help reduce the amount of impact it has on you as a business, here are some tips to stop getting scammed online.

Seek professional advice

You can always benefit from those who have expert knowledge on how to look after yourself on the internet. As a business, outsourcing this help, like remove counterfeits from Aliexpress and stopping a virus from infecting your devices, can be more cost-effective than having it all in-house. What many businesses tend to do is ignore the potential threats that come from the online world and dismiss the suggestions that are made by companies who may advise that the company is at risk of being attacked.

Train your staff to be vigilant

Your staff are an essential part of the business, and they are also partly responsible for the safety of the organization. That’s why it’s good to train them on how to stay vigilant when browsing online and working on behalf of the company. Going on the more dangerous sites unknowingly or clicking on a seemingly harmless email link could be the catalyst that endangers the company. Training your staff on new threats is handy and something you will certainly see the benefit in to do regularly. Bring in an expert IT or security firm to train and talk through the current dangers that the online world poses and what to look out for. Simply knowing these dangers and how to spot them can really help to make your staff feel more comfortable too.

Strengthen your security

Security is always something to prioritize as a company, whether that’s the physical security of your building or the online security for all your servers and electronic equipment. It’s worth seeing whether there are any vulnerable areas to your business when it comes to the online world. It could be the strength of your passwords or how relaxed your anti-ware software is on websites that might contain dangerous viruses. Always stay on top of your security, especially when other businesses find themselves in hot water. Scammers and fraudsters will regularly try and catch you out or try to infiltrate your system in some way.

Always be wary

There will always be dangers, no matter how good your security may be. However, the way you can prevent any dangers is by being wary. Ensure everyone is cautious when it comes to answering emails and navigating the online domain. Keep your files encrypted where possible and stored elsewhere away from the physical servers themselves. Being able to have a backup of your data is important, should anything go wrong with the original data stored on your servers.

Getting scammed is something you don’t think could happen to your business until it’s too late. Be wary of what’s out there and keep your wits about you, including that of your employees too.

Editor’s note: Opinions in this post are the contributor’s, not those of Science & Enterprise.

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