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Tips For Science Marketing At Trade Shows

– Contributed content –

London trade show
(PurpleGillian, Pixabay)

16 Jan. 2020. Large conferences, trade shows and scientific meetings offer an opportunity for marketers to reach a diverse group of scientists in one place, as well as access to their competition. Trade shows can also be expensive if marketing budgets are no used smartly or invested in the right way. To get the most from events like this you need to focus on lead generation and product visibility. With create marketing, you need to understand what the scientists are looking for and provide that.

Make sure you’re memorable

Large conferences can often feel like organized chaos. A lot of people converge in one place and only have a narrow window of time to exchange ideas, show off their work and network with potential collaborators, employers and suppliers. Vendors and exhibitors are competing for attention too, so if you’re going to get the most out of the trade show then you’re going to need to stand out among all that noise vying for attention. You need to find ways to stand out to potential customers.

You could sponsor a high profile at the event, or host opportunities for conversation relevant to your client’s research. You could arrange a private dinner with an important figure in the industry or scientific personality. If you’re exhibiting, make your stand work harder by using multimedia marketing or host giveaways for desirable prizes. Remember the practical things too, like a badges lanyard, to help potential customers remember who they might have spoken to on the day. Attendees should feel that dealing with you has helped them in some way, either in their research or their career.

Know the decision makers

Before you start budgeting for and designing marketing for any event, you should prepare ahead and put in some research. What kind of scientist makes up your client base? Who makes the purchasing decisions at the companies you’re targeting? Is it professors, laboratory managers, researchers or postdoctoral fellows?

Are you targeting people in industry, academia or both? Is there a field you reach more than others? Remember what marketing tactics have worked well in the past and draw on those. By knowing the answers to these questions, you can better decide which conferences you attend, what marketing materials to prepare, how to target your client and the best way to follow up post-conference.

Don’t rely on social media tactics alone

Savvy social media is a great marketing tool, but it’s far more effective when combined with offline methods like micro campaigns to attract attention to your booth.

The decision makers you’re trying to reach, like managers and group leaders, may well be too busy at events with meetings, seminars and meeting vendors to keep checking in with hashtags and other online promotions. To reach these people, you need to go more old school.

Before the conference, reach out to key contacts of interest by email. Tell them where you’ll be and what you’re bringing. Encourage them to visit you and arrange some one-on-one meetings.You can follow up these emails with postcards to remind people where to find you. Take out print advertising in trade journals ahead of the conference.

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