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Looking For Investing Advice? Consider These Options

– Contributed content –

Growing money
(Nattanan Kanchanaprat, Pixabay)

Updated 4 June 2020. If you are looking for a new opportunity to make money and find financial security this year one great idea is to get into investment.

Investment is the act of putting your money to something you think will be profitable in the future such as a currency, property or even business. Finding the top places to invest can be difficult and it may take you some time to get comfortable with your own investment instincts.

Today we want to talk about some of the different options for investment you can try to get yourself used to the investment world and make some passive income for yourself. Here are our top investment areas for you to try your hand at today.

  1. Real Estate

Real estate is the most popular investment in the world because property is a commodity that is required by everyone. If you are looking for a way to invest as well as gain some equity for your own future home, this is the ideal choice. A great aspect of property investment is the long term capital you can gain from this as well as the DIY skills you get to learn while renovating.

  1. Gold

Gold is a precious metal and it is one that has been traded worldwide for thousands of years. Gold remains a popular and lucrative market, and if you are looking to get into investment in a simple way, gold is a fairly easy market to access and learn about. The good thing about investing in gold in particular is the fact that the value has been rising consistently over the years even when currencies have ebbed and flowed.

  1. Forex

The foreign exchange market is the largest and most prolific in the world and over $5 trillion is traded worldwide every single day. You don’t need to trade physical currency to get onto the Forex market, in fact most traders use something called a CFD which acts as a certificate of currency of sorts. Trading forex can be an incredibly fascinating realm of investment because you will essentially need to learn patterns of psychologically, explore world events and politics, and use your own strategic instincts. It can be a complex type of trading to learn however it is a skill that can allow you to make a lucrative income.  It’s also important to make sure that you are keeping a close eye on your foreign currency accounts at the same time, as you can gain valuable information and spot any changes quickly. Learning everything about this type of trade and information has been very lucrative for people in the past.

  1. Insurance

Investment is net always about trading or placing money against a commodity, you might actually decide to invest in yourself and your own health. Did you realize that taking out insurance on yourself acts as a form of invest not? By insuring your own health over the years, you will accumulate a large sum of money down the line that can be used in the long term.

  1. Wine

If you are into your Pinot Grigio, an interesting form of investment is wine. Wine is something that has been used as an investment vehicle for hundreds of years and if you buy a bottle of wine of a certain year and sell it on, you could be looking at a sizeable profit in the short term.

  1. Comic books

We all know how popular the superhero genre is nowadays and if you are looking for a new way to invest your money, this can be a great path to follow.  By purchasing rare comics at auction and selling them on through your own auction you can stand to make a sizeable income. This goes especially for first editions or supposedly lost editions of comic series.

  1. Stock Market

The stock market is the market you see when watching films such as The Wolf Of Wall Street. The stock exchange is a crazy place to be and you might have been put off the idea of investing in stocks because of the madness you perceive in this court. But stocks can be a great tool for investment and putting your money against an upcoming company is a wonderful way to gain some income and make a profit for yourself down the line. Imagine investing in a stock for a small company this year, and then in 5 years this company grows to become a leader in their industry. Selling the stock at this point could allow you to gain a huge reward.

  1. Cryptocurrency

A lot of people get somewhat confused about cryptocurrency and it is easy to see why. But you need to think of cryptocurrency in the same way as all other currencies because these can be traded in exactly the same way. Often cryptocurrency is worth more the currency so it is worth giving this a try this year.

We hope these ideas have given you some inspiration to start investing this year.

Editor’s note: The opinions in this post are the contributor’s and not those of Science & Enterprise. We urge readers to consult their financial advisers about investments.

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