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Introduction To Warehouse Solutions

– Contributed content –


4 Feb. 2020. Warehouse storage solutions are important for a number of reasons and necessary for a variety of businesses. Without using an outsourced warehouse provider, small businesses may find it difficult to grow as they don’t have the warehouse storage that they need to keep enough stock. This limits them. And without selling more, they cannot afford to lease or buy a larger premises.

It’s a difficult circle to get out of, but using a warehouse storage and fulfillment center can give business a boost without needing a large financial outlay. Companies that want to stay small and focus on drop-shipping, for example, find this set up invaluable.

What is drop-shipping and why does it require warehouse storage?

Drop-shipping is an innovative way for companies to sell products without ever having to worry about storing them themselves. They may not even ever see the product, or have anything to do with it other than gaining profit from selling it. Drop-shipping is a method of retail fulfillment where the online shop or business doesn’t keep the products it sells – rather they are kept in a third party’s warehouse.

This warehouse outsourcing is a cost-effective way of selling many items without needing to look into full contract warehousing. When a product is sold, the company purchases it from the third party warehouse, and the third party ships it out to the customer. The difference between what the business pays and what the customer pays is the profit for the item. It is a neat and tidy way to work, and offers huge amounts of flexibility once you find the right warehouse storage solutions to help you. The advantages of drop-shipping are many. Firstly, you need far less capital to start a drop-shipping business than a standard kind of business. You won’t need to tie up many thousands of pounds in stock, and you only pay for what you sell.

It is also easy to start a drop-shipping business. There are no worries about managing a warehouse, packing and shipping orders, tracking inventory, handling returns, checking stock levels. The third-party will do all of that for you, from plastic pallet storing solutions to inventory software, so you just need to concentrate on marketing.

Warehouse storage management solutions for businesses

The advantages of drop-shipping also include flexibility; a business such as this can be run from anywhere because you don’t need to be near your warehouse storage space. You can run your business from home with very few overheads – all you need is a laptop and internet connection, and the ability to market your products.

Speaking of the products, you can sell a wide and varied range of them, since you don’t have to worry if they don’t sell. If something isn’t selling simply remove it from your website; you won’t have lost any money on it. Ultimately, you may feel that even if you start a drop-shipping business, in the end, you would prefer to have a traditional kind of business.

What’s great about you scaling your business in this way is that your warehouse storage management doesn’t need to change that much. If you have a knowledgeable, expert warehouse management team behind you, then no matter whether these are your own goods or someone else’s, they will work in the same way. They will still be able to package your goods, ship them out, keep an inventory, and manage stock levels without you needing to do anything other than send them orders.

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