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Technology Changes the Face of Business

– Contributed content –

Ethernet cables
(Thomas Jensen, Unsplash)

9 March 2020. We’ve all known for a very long time that technology is driving business in many areas. It amends on your field, and your expertise, and where exactly your business lies in that landscape, but technology is unavoidable and something that we all have now come to terms with. There is no hiding from the fact that unless you have some technology and systems in place to help with your business processes then you are going to fall behind.

It’s a big world, with many customers and potential clients available to contact and to connect with, and technology facilitates that in many different ways. It can also help the overall Speed of processing and customer retention as well. Many things that we used to do before technology took over are know automated, and management and staff have had to get to grips with new things quickly. Technology moves at a speed that we can’t keep up with, and there is always something new to discover. That is why it’s important to invest time and money into the technology of your business, and prevent falling behind your competitors

Technical side

The technical side of the business is always something that many of us struggle to come to terms with. Unless you specifically have trained or games in education in IT, and technology its self, then it doesn’t always come naturally. However, there is a whole generation of business owners now coming to the forefront of the fields who have grown up with technology as the norm. This can’t be avoided, and everybody knows how to use their mobile phones to run business, and how to connect with staff and clients quickly and easily, is now taken for granted. You can even now download and use apps such as pocket option guide, to track the stocks and shares of yours and other businesses.

And not only this but money is easily made through these sorts of technology-based services. One great advantage to business now with the technology available is that we are finding it much easier to record and report all the processes, sales, wins and losses so that we can better prepare for future activity within the business. This means that we can be prepared, and hopefully stay ahead of the competition. Of course, if your business relies heavily on technology then you will need to have a backup plan or staff that will help you in the event of emergencies. The IT department within most businesses are generally busy with the day-to-day running and fixes, but it is also important to remember that downtime can cost the business time and money. Therefore keeping a close eye on the technology within your business and the way in which you’re using this is a very important aspect of your business.


Connectivity is no lightning is vast and we are able to speak to customers and show them exactly what our businesses are all about within seconds. A quick Facebook live video can literally share an event, and boost your following quickly. Of course, there are risks when using things at this high speed, as human error is always a consideration, but being able to sit in an office on the other side of the world to somebody else and still have a productive meeting via web cams and microphones, has revolutionized the worldwide business connections.

In addition to this, the speed in which emails and data can be communicated is now Aten an imaginable stop status. Within the past decade communication has gone from slight delays, and potentially having to wait for large amounts of information to come through, to being unable to Instantly connect to any country around the world without any problem.


Process and times within a business that is selling and sending items is essentially are one of the most important things. Customers now are so used to receive in items within sometimes hours of placing an order, that anything much longer than a day or two is going to put potential customers off. Unless an item is bespoke or needs to be made from scratch, then a customer is going to have high expectations. Processing speed has been sped up vastly by technology, this is because we have automated systems that can except an order, print the order, and sometimes even pick and pack the order before A human may even have recognized an order coming through the door, this, of course, has affected jobs, but in speeding up processes and increase in the success of the business, this can help businesses employ more people in other areas.

Quality control is, of course, essential, and something that has also been improved via accurate information that technology can bring. When a customer places an order and they are told that it’s going to be received quickly, then they are going to have high expectations that need to be met. Essentially what you need to do is get the correct systems in place, ensure that quality control is high, and match your competitor on delivery times. Of course, relying on a delivery company can add an element of risk into this, and some businesses create or imply their own delivery systems so that people are able to receive orders quickly, but this comes down to trial and Error, and delivery companies are also using technology to the best of their ability so that they are able to improve speed and accuracy as well.


Marketing is, of course, a very important part of any business, ensuring that you are reaching the right people with your message, and you are attracting new customers is going to ensure some business success. Get tech involved in your business for marketing reasons is a great idea. Just been able to use social media (whatever that is at the current time,) and create content that is going to capture the imagination of your existing customers and attract new customers to your business is something you don’t want to miss out on.

SEO is also important when it comes to technology, having a website that works for you, And direct customers and clients to your website, so that they are able to find out more and purchase your items, or hire you for whatever service it is that you advertise, is sensible. SEO can be automated but of course, does need some import at the same time. There are plug-ins, widgets, tutorials, and of course people that can help you with this, and you shouldn’t miss out or avoid it. Getting into the ins and outs of marketing can help you with the customer retention aspect of the business. Sending emails, gaining reviews, and finding out where you can improve on your business can all be automated, and can also be very very useful information technology.


Technology can really help innovate and push forward your business. When you first think that you are settling into a good spot in your business, you can turn to technology to work out exactly where you can improve, and find things that you may never have thought about. For example, you may think that you are paying invoices quickly enough and artificial and in that area, but employing a method that keeps a check on your invoice levels, and prevent you falling behind and avoiding charges can, of course, improve your business in a great way. Ultimately technology Its self is moving fast, and we always see new things cropping up all the time. So even though there may be things you never thought of within your business, give it time and you’ll have something new to work on before long.

You can even come up with new concepts, new ways of working, and ways to improve the environment for your Team as well, without too much effort using technology. You are also able to change things for the better for the whole industry, especially if you work in care or in a business that helps other people’s lives improve greatly. This would mean sharing ideas and knowledge, which luckily we have quick ways and effective ways of doing through technology anyway. So never sit still too long and become complacent, because creating innovative ideas, can be a game-changer for you and your business. Encouraging the people that you employ to do the same and to be on a forward-thinking and open-minded team, can and does change the landscape frequently.

So even though starting and running a business has been made easier through technology, don’t forget to move things forward, and use these to your advantage if possible. Your customers and staff will thank you for it, and you may even be able to do some good with your hard work using technology. Many people such as Bill Gates use their success and financial gain to help others, and that is exactly what the world needs so that we are able to move forward, look after our environment, and help each other in day-to-day life.

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