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Rules for Running a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

– Contributed content –

U.S. mailbox
(Wikimedia Commons)

27 Apr. 2020. In the digital era there are more ways than ever for brands to reach out to their target audiences. There are highly targeted social media ads, the organic benefits of content marketing, sponsored results on search engine results pages, and the omni-presence afforded by remarketing. However, while these can all be highly beneficial for small businesses, those with a local focus may benefit from taking a leaf from the old-school playbook. Especially in these challenging times when small local businesses are finding it harder than ever to engage local consumers who are self-isolated.

Could a direct mail campaign be the perfect solution in these troubling times? Many marketing experts believe so.

Why direct mail?

In an era characterized by social distancing and self-isolation, experiential marketing is much harder to come by. Brand storytelling is possible to achieve online, but it’s much more difficult. Especially given how much we have competing for our attention when we use the internet. Direct mail gives people something they desperately need in the mail… good news! You can let people know that your products and services are still available and that you’re as committed to your customers as ever. Even if you have to operate in different ways. Direct mail has a tangibility and an immediacy that you simply don’t get from digital methods. Get it right, and you can deliver a memorable experience to local consumers that starts a lasting relationship with your brand.

Here we’ll look at a few ways to ensure a winning direct mail campaign.

Great marketing materials start with great reprographics

First of all, you’ll need to choose a reprographics partner who can make your brand shine in printed media. Someone who understands the design quirks that make your branding while also bringing some of their own ideas to the table. They can advise you on how to create printed materials with a look and feel that’s the perfect fit for your branding.

Choose the right medium for your campaign

Do you want to tell a story? Or do you want to make an impression quickly? Do you want to provide a valuable resource? Or are you simply trying to coax people to visit your website? Are you drawing readers’ attention to a special promotion? Or simply raising brand awareness in more general terms? Choosing the right medium for the aims of your campaign is of paramount importance.

Create copy that adds value

Eye catching design and a high class finish may be enough to get the recipient to read your copy. But if the copy itself doesn’t engage them, your flyer will just end up in their recycling. You need to write copy that grabs their attention and establishes the value of what they hold in their hands straight away. Think about what you’d want to get through the post at this uncertain time. Think what would be a welcome read among the bills and bad news. Start off by asking “what adds real value to the reader?”, and go from there.

A successful direct mail campaign is a useful reminder that digital marketing is great… but there’s no school like the old school.

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