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Infographic – Willingness to Take Covid-19 Vaccine

Chart- Agree to Covid-19 vaccine
Click on image for full-size view (Statista)

5 Sept. 2020. As the world waits for a vaccine to protect against Covid-19 infections, it’s good to remember that vaccinations stop pandemics, not vaccines. With that in mind, the business research company Statista this week posted a chart showing where populations are more eager than others to get vaccinated against Covid-19, our weekend infographic.

The chart shows data from surveys by polling company Ipsos MORI in 27 countries at the end of July and beginning of August, for the World Economic Forum. The study team asked the 19,519 respondents if they agreed or disagreed with the statement, “If a vaccine for Covid-19 were available, I would get it.” Worldwide, about three-quarters (74%) say they agree with the statement, while 26 percent disagree.

Of the countries displayed by Statista, nearly all Chinese respondents (97%) agree they would get the vaccine, as would eight to nine in 10 respondents in Brazil, India, U.K. and South Korea. On the other hand, only about half to six in 10 survey participants in Russia and France say they would take the Covid-19 vaccine. In the U.S. and Germany, two-thirds (67%) agree with getting the vaccine, while one in three (33%) disagree.

While some Covid-19 vaccines are now in late-stage clinical trials, the survey question is still hypothetical, so it may not predict actual behavior. Nonetheless, the results point out the need for an aggressive education campaign to get populations vaccinated once the vaccine is ready. People, of course, will need to trust the vaccine, and as reported this week in Science & Enterprise, and this morning in news reports, vaccine developers are making public statements underscoring their commitment to releasing a vaccine only when the data say it’s safe and effective.

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