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How Technology is Transforming Trucking

– Contributed content –

(Quintin Gellar, Pexels)

29 Sept. 2020. Technology is one of the biggest things that is changing every single year. Companies all over the world have to remain as current as possible with the tech trends that are happening right now. Technological trends are adopted by all as they happen, but the trucking industry has so far been interrupted by those who refuse to adopt the new technology. Here’s the thing: if you don’t adapt to it, you will fall behind the competition. Thus, you have no choice if you want to be a success.

Every single aspect of trucking has been changed because of technology. Rigs are safer, load boards have helped drivers to find loads quickly and efficiently, and communications are better than ever. There are even some trucking companies installing Wi-Fi into their trucks so that their truckers can be comfortable at rest stops. Below, we’ve put together four ways companies are now leveraging technology to improve their operations and logistics.

  • Driver monitoring. It’s not that companies need to spy on their drivers. It’s just that it can help a business to know how the drivers are doing on their route. It can also help to know how much mileage they are using and whether the routes that are fixed are efficient.
  • Communications. There was a time where drivers, dispatchers and motor carriers found communication difficult. This isn’t the case anymore. Technology has now evolved to the point that they can all contact each other 24/7, with internal networks available to improve the responses from the drivers. This has long since reduced errors and costs, which is better for a business looking to remain successful!
  • Coordinating traffic. If a company can communicate and access fleet information remotely, a company and drivers are able to improve delivery times massively. Traffic coordination involves the improvement of driving patterns, reviewing current driving conditions and delivering the real-time reports that a driver needs. This has been a time saver and a money saver for many!
  • Recruitment. Lastly, the constant changes to technology have meant that recruitment is more efficient than ever. Transportation jobs boards can be accessed anywhere any time – all your potential recruits need is the internet! Trucking companies can now vet candidates via a streamlined system, and it can make all the difference to the experience of getting quality candidates. Recruitment and vetting candidates and their backgrounds is also much easier with shared technology, as you can see any information about candidates before they come in to see you.

The trucking industry is constantly fluctuating because of new technologies. It’s not something that’s going to go away, either, so where possible, you need to look at how you can improve your trucking business and keep up with the changing times. Technology will break your business if there isn’t enough of it, but it can make your business everything that you could want if you are staying up to date with it. Don’t flake on technology; it could change the way you do everything.

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