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Future Proof Job Roles

– Contributed content –

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(Anthony Shkraba, Pexels)

7 Nov. 2020. Recent surveys have suggested that at least 30 different job roles won’t exist come 2030. The evolution of technology and we live our lives has already caused many jobs our parents and grandparents used to become obsolete. And in another 10 years, we also face the loss of many other jobs including travel advisor, bank teller and even sports referee.

If there was ever a time to consider retraining for a new career, the time is most definitely now. Searching for a future proof role for your working life can help you to avoid being forced into the decision further down the line. Plus the earlier you look at a new career, the better.

But what type of job roles are considered to be future proof?

Medical professionals

Taking a job in the medical field will always be worthwhile. We will always need people to work in the medical field. And while many advances such as the use of technology in surgery and AI to help identify certain gene patterns and conditions has proven a welcome advancement, we will still need humans to perform many tasks. As such, there will always be job roles on sites like Practice Match in the medical field.


As we learn new technologies, new advancements and different ways of learning, we will need people to teach us how to do these things and show us the way. A career in education means being able to adapt to new ways of thinking, new methods of working and above all teach those of us who need it how to live in the world. Teachers are irreplaceable, and as such, this is one career that will withstand the test of time.

Data scientist

Data science is mostly complicated algorithms and code. However, the key to data science is finding the pattern and stories and as such data scientists will always be required. This type of skill isn’t something that has been replicated successfully by machine, so people with a keen eye for detail, strategy and decision making will always be in demand proving that this is as future proof a career as it gets.


People will always need to eat and more specifically eat out at restaurants. Talented individuals who are skilled at creating culinary masterpieces will find themselves in demand no matter which type of changes the world goes through. Being able to evaluate your skills and meet demand constantly will mean that the restaurant industry, while a tough market to be in, is one that will still have demand time and time again.

Cyber security expert

As we move to an increasingly more digital world with a massive reliance on technology across the board. So the demand arises for cybersecurity. We all need to know our personal information we share online for banking, job applications; delivery services etc. is safe and secure from those who wish to use our details for less than legal uses. Cybersecurity roles mean you are constantly working to make sure information is secure, and hackers are denied access to information they should have.

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