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Stay Productive While Working Remotely

– Contributed content –

Woman with phone and laptop
(FirmBee, Pixabay)

9 Dec. 2020. More and more businesses are realizing the benefits of allowing their employees to work remotely. Workplace culture is gradually moving away from the traditional nine-to-five office format, and towards something a lot more flexible and practical for everyone involved.

Working remotely, either from home, a local coffee shop, or another location of your choice can benefit your working life in so many ways. You don’t have to waste time commuting to and from the office in rush hour, and can use this extra time to get an extra hour of sleep, take your kids to school, or do some exercise. Your work-life balance is greatly improved and your physical and mental wellbeing will benefit as a result. You can work according to your own schedule and not have to deal with micromanagement or office politics. And, as studies show, it actually makes you better at your job.

There are so many reasons to work remotely, but it still provides its own challenges. It can make you more productive, but only if you are fully equipped to make the most of your new working situation. To help you work better from home, here are some tips for more productive remote working.

Set boundaries

One of the main drawbacks of working from home is the fact that there is no clear distinction between office hours and personal time. An office provides clear boundaries that you do not have when you spend all day in your house. When you’ve been working hard all day, you need a break to recharge for the next morning, and you can’t do that effectively if your mind is still stuck on work.

Try to create a clear distinction by imposing more structure into your working day. Set a fixed time to start and finish work each day. This doesn’t have to be 9 am to 5 pm if that doesn’t work for you. Pick your most productive hours and schedule your day around other important jobs. As soon as you hit the end of your day, you can shut down your computer and not think about work until the next morning.

Maintain communication

Working remotely can only be effective if you have adequate means of communication. You can’t just pop into your boss’s office or visit IT support if you need anything. Make sure you are set up with some good online collaboration software or VoIP solutions. This way you can keep in touch with colleagues, collaborate on projects, and ensure you always have a clear view of the latest developments.

Optimize your work environment

An office provides a perfect environment for getting work done, with dedicated desks and computers for each person. By contrast, sitting on the sofa with your laptop on your knees and other members of your household wandering in and out isn’t quite as optimal. Create your own workspace in your home, with a comfortable desk and chair to keep you working productively for longer. Tell your family to give you some space during your working hours to minimize any distractions.

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