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Future Of Medicine With New Technologies

– Contributed content –

Vials and bottles
(National Cancer Institute, Unsplash)

22 June 2021. Technology is advancing quickly. So is our intrigue. That is why, when we study in any area of the medical field, it’s important to look at how the industry may change. It is not just doctors’ jobs who may change but also physiotherapists, admin assistants and more. Since the Covid-19 times, more people within medicine have decided to take a different approach to medicine. The world of digital!

Digitalization does not stop at medicine and will change the healthcare system in the long term. Treatment using smart, networked devices may still sound like a dream of the future for some, but it’s getting closer. For the patients affected, this advanced type of medical care can already mean an increased quality of life, time savings and more comfort and safety. The Internet of Things (IoT), telemedicine and e-health are increasingly influencing the healthcare industry and are changing previous care concepts enormously.

It is important to learn about your profession as soon as possible if you want to move into the world of medicine. It is important to look at an online mha to improve your chances of better career prospects. So what else is digitization changing within the medical field? There are plenty of things to consider. With this comes the opportunities for more jobs and new roles within the medical field. Therefore, this decade is an exciting time to make your move into a new career.

The health data that a dialysis machine receives during blood cleansing is transferred and monitored to a medical institution. If defined health parameters are exceeded or if irregularities or abnormalities occur, an alarm is issued and the attending physician can intervene quickly. This enables timely and targeted treatment even over long distances. In addition, costs are reduced by eliminating, for example, patient transports.

It really is helping those who have chronic issues to be able to live a better life without obstacles.  Experts are discussing more than ever whether the medicine of the future should not be more than the care of sick people. According to many articles found online, this is mainly due to the sharp increase in knowledge about molecular and other causes of diseases and digitization. The so-called e-health technologies make it possible, for example, to use health data for the prevention of diseases.

Big data in medicine

As part of telemonitoring, sensitive, personal health-related data of the patient is collected, stored and evaluated. The collection, processing and use of this data are only permissible if the law permits or orders this or the person concerned has consented. However, when data is collected, it allows medical interventions to be brought forward. Professionals can analyze data, they can look at trends and make changes in the industry.  A later possible evaluation of the collected data of all treated patients can also be of great scientific interest. It could be helpful for looking at curing certain ailments and diseases in the future.

Is AI the future of medicine?

Artificial intelligence is already bringing far-reaching changes with it. AI is more capable of learning than humans and can directly apply what it has learned. It can also make correct diagnoses. In hospital experiments across the world, AI was even able to keep up with the human doctors in diagnostics. However, we are not quite there yet. However, the changes being made are positive. We have seen AI develop in many other areas such as factory work, but the goal is to create AI surgeons. This way, they can eliminate human error and create quicker surgery turnaround times. This means people can be treated sooner than they are now.

Medical progress is making quantum leaps. This is becoming more than clear, especially in the corona crisis. No one would have expected that it would be possible to develop a vaccine in such a short time. With the right dedication and money, it is possible to develop pre-existing vaccines further. All vaccines were apparently developed in record time and are based on the same principle of action: they channel the blueprint of a certain virus molecule into the human body cells, where the immune system is then applied to the intruder. But they didn’t come into being overnight. Behind the principle of action is a concept that was first found many years ago. Therefore, we can see how the industry is growing and developing. We are constantly learning. When we work within any field in medicine, we are helping to keep the wheel turning.


The medical field is changing – technically and legally It should be noted that the progress of medicine goes hand in hand with digitalization. There are of course cultural-philosophical, ethical and also legal questions that need to be discussed. However, the plethora of new regulations in this area also shows that this area is becoming more talked about. Therefore, a better future is on the horizon. Choosing a job in medicine now, means that you are likely to be on this journey too. You will be learning firsthand about the changes and even helping to pioneer some of this work for future use.

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