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Infographic – Majorities Favor U.S. Vaccine Mandates

Chart: vaccine mandate opinions
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31 July 2021. As the more contagious delta variant becomes the dominant SARS-CoV-2 strain, a clear majority of American adults now favors employers mandating Covid-19 vaccines. Those are the findings of a survey conducted last week by polling company Morning Consult.

The online poll asked a representative sample of U.S. adults if employers should require Covid-19 vaccines for residents, employees, or patrons of their businesses. More than half of respondents, 56 percent, say definitely or probably “yes”, while about one-third (32%) say definitely or probably “no”. Those responding “don’t know” or not answering are excluded. Current vaccination status explains much of the difference, with three-quarters (74%) of those already vaccinated in favor of employer vaccine mandates, with more than half (54%) of the unvaccinated opposed.

As with most opinions on Covid-19 issues, political preference also plays a role. About three-quarters of Democrats (76%) are in favor of mandating vaccines, while half (49%) of Republicans are opposed. Nonetheless, nearly four in 10 (38%) of Republicans approve of employer vaccine mandates, as do almost half (46%) of independents.

Morning Consult conducted the online survey 22-24 July, among a sample of 2,192 adults in the U.S. Percentages reported in the survey have a confidence interval, sometimes called margin-of-error, of +/- 2 percent.

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