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Infographic – Schools Graduating Women Entrepreneurs

Female founder universities
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14 Aug. 2021. In March, we posted a chart from Crunchbase with the universities producing the most graduates starting new tech businesses. Yesterday, Crunchbase published a new chart with a refined list showing institutions generating the most women start-up founders. The data come from Crunchbase’s start-up funding records for the past two years.

The top universities producing women entrepreneurs are much the same as the schools graduating the most start-up founders overall. The leading four universities in both cases are Stanford, Harvard, MIT, and University of California at Berkeley, with Stanford leading both lists. Harvard ranks number two for women and MIT is in second place for overall entrepreneur graduates.

Filling out the top 10 universities for women entrepreneurs, Ivy League schools University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Cornell, and Yale take four of the next six spots, while New York University ranks seventh. UCLA and University of Southern California are tied for 10th.

Both of Crunchbase’s lists exclude founders from business schools, which are compiled separately. For women entrepreneurs Harvard and Stanford take the top two business school spots, far exceeding the rest of the field. Wharton at Penn, Columbia, and Sloan at MIT, take the next three spots for business schools. For business schools overall, Harvard also leads by a wide margin, followed by Wharton and Stanford.

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