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Lab Checklist: What Makes a Great Laboratory?

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Test tubes in a lab
(Martin Lopez, Pexels)

4 Oct. 2021. The field of medicine is fast-growing. With job opportunities growing by the second, it is an industry that is high in demand. This growing demand means that laboratories around the country need to be ready which leads to the question – What makes a great laboratory?

Today, we will be discussing different aspects that every lab needs. From safety equipment to accuracy, we will cover all bases.

Strong Leadership

No great lab is complete without a strong leader in place. Lab managers hold high importance as they are the people who will guide lab personnel to deliver their assigned duties on time. They will ensure that all experiments are aimed towards a common goal. It is a challenging job and one that takes a lot of skills, knowledge and understanding of different behaviors.

You can find out more about the essential skills that lab managers need through some online research. It is not a job for the faint hearted. With a duty to oversee all operations it is a job that comes with a lot of responsibility. Without a strong leader in place, your lab may struggle to meet the demanding needs of the medical industry.

Appropriate Lab Attire

Lab attire is something that requires a lot of attention. The chances are harsh chemicals and dangerous equipment will be present around the lab. So, it is important that all lab personnel know how to dress to help keep themself and those around them safe. Safety goggles are a must, and it is often advised that you wear long sleeved tops and long trousers to protect your skin from any harsh chemicals that may be present.

Appropriate footwear is also crucial. The wrong shoes could result in you falling or slipping in the workplace. To help prevent the risk of injury, it is important to wear a durable and sturdy shoe which will protect your feet whilst helping you walk safely in both dry and wet conditions. It is always advised that you do your research as depending on the nature of your lab, some footwear may be more appropriate than others.

Equipment For Safety

Safety is hugely important in a laboratory. So, it crucial that your lab requires the right safety equipment to help keep people protected. It may be the case that your lab already has most of the equipment that it needs. But ask yourself, do you have enough of it? There may also be some items that you might not need right now. However, if a new task crops up somewhere down the line, you may need new equipment immediately.

Take a look at the list of lab supplies needed to help you ensure that you are set up for success. It’s essential that you put a lot of thought into what you need. Take into account that as your lab evolves, new tasks may occur which will require new equipment.


Accuracy is a crucial aspect of any lab. Failure to collect accurate data can put all lab personnel in serious danger. Accuracy represents how close a measurement comes to its true value. When it comes to the field of medicine, accuracy plays a vital role. This is because the life of people may depend on these results like people in hospitals. So, it is essential that the information is accurate and there is no room for error.

There are several factors that can affect laboratory tests and you can learn more about them online. Some of the most common causes can be mishandling of data or faulty equipment. It is hugely important that your lab puts regular checks in place to ensure that all operations are running as smoothly as possible.


Cleanliness is present in all great labs. Failure to keep a tidy workspace can result in the risk of injury and also the inaccuracy of results. Conducting a major experiment in a dirty lab can lead to a stressful and high-pressured situation. So, it is important that all lab personnel know what is expected of them. All equipment that has been used should be washed and put away immediately after use. Safe storage facilities should be provided, and regular check-ups should be put in place to ensure that the lab is staying clean.

It is important that chemicals are stored away. If left on the floor, they may get knocked over and this can pose a threat to anyone around the area of the spillage. Many slips and trips in the workplace are caused by spillages so it is crucial to avoid them to help keep all lab personnel safe.

Safety Rules

Laboratories are often dangerous places to work in. Failure to follow the correct protocols can lead to increased risk of injury. It is crucial that your lab has a clear set of safety rules in place. Thorough and clear training should be provided so everyone who steps foot in the lab knows what is expected of them. Lab safety signs should be placed both on equipment and around the facility, so all lab personnel are aware of the risks around the workplace. It can help to take a look at some of the most common lab safety signs online so both yourself and your colleagues can better understand them.

Most laboratories are filled with safety signs, and it can be a little overwhelming. So, it is crucial that enough time is allocated for people to educate themselves on their meanings. Failure to understand a safety sign could result in serious injury or even a fatality in the workplace.


There are many factors that help to make a great laboratory. Safety is hugely important as labs can be some of the most dangerous places to work in. With so many possible risks around, it is vital that all lab personnel are trained effectively in order to operate as safe as possible. The correct equipment and conditions are also something to be considered. With the help of this checklist above, your lab will be able to operate both effectively and safety to deliver accurate results time and time again.

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