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Combating Global Data Protection Concerns: 6 Challenges That All Businesses Face

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10 Dec. 2021. Data protection continues to be a problem for most businesses. There is no denying that data has powered our biggest and most rewarding advancements and technologies over the last decade. However, data privacy and protection can bring a whole host of challenges with it.

To understand how to overcome these challenges, it is firstly vital that you understand what these potential challenges could be. Today, we will be discussing six of them in more detail.

1. Growth Of Data

As technology continues to advance, data is growing faster than ever before. Organizations are now forced to meet up with this growing demand and the pressure to protect customers personal information alongside sensitive personal information is high. Through some online research, you will begin to find many solutions to handling data growth. One of the more common solutions is cloud-based software. Now, businesses can store their data on the cloud which not only saves them money on infrastructure, but it also helps them keep up with the data demand as the storage space is much larger.

2. Cost Of Maintaining Data Privacy

A data breach can not only affect the reputation of an organisation, but it can also cost your company thousands, if not millions to resolve. A data breach can cause many businesses to fail as they cannot acquire the funds to fix the issue. To avoid this, it is crucial that your business makes smart investments. All business owners should invest in several key security technologies such as data archiving, backup and redundant infrastructure. This ensures that data is safeguarded and allows it to be recovered and restored in the event of a breach.

3. Human Error

Some security analysts would argue that human error is the biggest challenge in data privacy and security. Employees who are unaware and not given adequate training can mistakenly delete data, fall for phishing scams and use weak passwords. It is the role of a business owner and their leaders to provide employees with the thorough training they need to help them avoid these issues. Not only does it help to empower employees, but it also reduces risk when it comes to data privacy and protection in the future.

There are an array of data protection law courses available at the click of a button. Now, your team can gain valuable knowledge from a data law, policy and regulation online course from the comfort of your office. Courses like these can help your team gain the skills to critically analyze and navigate the changing legal environment that is shaping data law and policy.

4. Security Threats

Security threats continue to be a huge challenge for all businesses and unfortunately, many fall victim to these threats and they can have a detrimental impact on their business. There are a few things your business can do to help combat this.

Firstly, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the cyber security threats that your business can face such as phishing attacks and malware attacks. Your business needs to take the necessary steps to have strong technological defenses in place. Surprisingly, many businesses fail to put strong passwords in place and weak passwords continue to pose a threat towards data privacy and protection for many businesses.

5. Regulation

Growing regulatory requirements are making the process of handling data more challenging. It is crucial that all business owners and their leaders educate themselves of these regulations, so they don’t face large issues in the future. These regulations could pose a challenge. They are put in place to make businesses or organizations liable if they or their third-party contractors handle citizens or residents’ personal data without complying with the privacy laws. Failure to comply with these laws can result in a damaging fine, which could be the end of your business.

6. Advanced Technology Landscape

It is no secret that technology is evolving at a fast rate. Now, data privacy is becoming increasingly harder for companies to handle when you start to factor in things like the Internet of Things (IoT) and internet-connected tablets, phones and watches. With more devices entering the workplace, you end up having more data to manage.

By ensuring that you have the right data governance procedures in place, you will successfully be able to manage compliance and data privacy from any source. Now, it has become more important than ever to use advanced security analytics to find malicious activity in your network, applications and data.


Although global data protection and privacy is a growing challenge. With the right training and defences in place, your business can help to combat any of the challenges that may arise. Don’t hesitate to educate your employees on GDPR and give them effective training that will help to diminish issues such as human error. It is recommended that you conduct regular research into GDPR to ensure that your business is complying with the correct rules and regulations.

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