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Infographic – AI Help Wanted by Workers

Chart: Worker views of A.I.
Click on image for full-size view (Statista)

2 Apr. 2022. A continuing issue with using artificial intelligence in day-to-day business operations is the impact on workers’ jobs. The ability of algorithms to simulate work processes and decision-making with tools like image analysis and machine learning would seem like a threat to the livelihoods of many working people.

Late last year, the technology market research company Gartner Inc. polled U.S. consumers about their views of A.I. in the workplace and found a number of tasks for which workers would accept A.I.’s help. Technology news web site Venture Beat reported last week on the findings. The survey asked respondents to rate nine types of tasks on the extent of help they would like from A.I. in their work, choosing among A.I. to do all of it, offer help with it, or do none of it.

According to Venture Beat, seven in 10 respondents (70%) want A.I. to help with at least some of their work, with more than half (57%) are willing to have A.I. two or more of the nine tasks. This week, business research company Statista extracted and displayed the Gartner data showing tasks workers want A.I. to do completely. And of those tasks, work related to automation ranked highest.

A third or more of respondents rated data processing (36%) and digital tasks (32%) as work they would like to see turned over completely to A.I. Almost as many, about three in 10 respondents, would like A.I. to completely take over information discovery (29%), reducing mistakes (28%), and simplifying processes (28%). The data come from Gartner’s poll of 1,515 U.S. residents in October and November 2021 on their attitudes toward A.I.

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