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Level Up As An Entrepreneur

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24 Aug. 2022. During heartfelt conversations with children, you talk about making good decisions, the why’s and how’s of the world, and the discussion inevitably turns to ways they can get help when they need it. You may tell them to “look for the helpers.” This is not only good advice for kids, it is critical in business, as well. Especially if you are an entrepreneur.

As a start-up or a small company, it is nearly impossible to do anything in the business world in isolation. There are partnerships and collaborations in addition to areas of expertise that you do not possess, as your strengths lie elsewhere. Here are some useful ideas on how you can make your business more successful through the power of working with others.

Utilize Licensed Servicing Agencies

Running a business can sometimes equate to you doing all of the work at all times. There is certain equipment that you are not skilled in servicing in your place of business. When major repairs are needed on specialized equipment, it does not make sense financially or otherwise to do it yourself.

To further the point and offer an example, if you own and operate a trucking company, your equipment is likely inspected on a routine schedule. As such, you need to show proof of licensed repairs and maintenance at a moment’s notice. It is a business-savvy move to bring all of your individual truck and fleet servicing needs to a professional and licensed company such as M&L Truck Service.

A company like this has the ability to maintain proficiencies in all areas that they service. Their staff is able to specialize and stay up to date on new technologies and safety measures. You can feel confident knowing that the experts can handle what you bring to them. And you will feel comfortable in the fact that you have one less task on your plate.

Take Care of and in Your Personal Life

Running a small business can mean long hours. You may find that interruptions from work become a constant in your personal life and at home. Frustrations, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings can occur amongst friends and family members when they see you spending more time and energy on your company instead of with them. Their needs matter, and so do yours.

With that in mind, it is time to make the move to outsourcing in your personal life. First, determine your budget and how spending money on these things will impact your personal finances. If your time is worth more than your money at this point and you are comfortable enough monetarily, consider hiring someone else to handle the mundane things that take away from living your life.

Here is a video highlighting eight helpful ways to outsource tasks in your personal life when you own a small business.

Outsource Instead of Hire

As a small company, especially if you are at the beginning of your business venture, you may not have the capital to hire a staff large enough to take care of all the administrative needs and requirements. This is where outsourcing for company roles will prove invaluable.

Outsourcing is the practice where you choose to hire an outside company or person to perform job duties that you do not have the time, available staff, or knowledge of how to do within your own company.

Some common areas in which small businesses outsource include:

  • Accounting Services including payroll, invoices, and taxes
  • Office Cleaning
  • IT Management and Cloud Computing
  • Security and Fire Systems and Monitoring
  • Web Design
  • Marketing Services including SEO and advertising
  • Legal Services including tax law
  • Maintenance and Equipment Services
  • Shipping and Logistics

As time passes and your products and services garner more interest, thus resulting in larger numbers of consumer dollars coming into the business, you can move from outsourcing to hiring employees. At first, it may be more financially feasible to outsource as you will not need to provide things such as human resources access, insurance, benefits, a dedicated workplace or office space, and other employee engagement opportunities.

When you opt to transition to in-house employees, you can still outsource to other areas that require the latest expertise that your staff may not have. This can include the fields of tax law and accounting, etc.

Find a Mentor 

You may think of a mentor in a stereotyped way. Rethink the stereotype and learn about everything you can learn from a mentor instead. A mentor is someone who has achieved success in their respective field or area of expertise. They may not be at the top of their vertical, but they have enough years of experience to guide you.

Finding a mentor is relatively easy to accomplish. Engage in Chambers of Commerce mixers, go to marketing events, and attend anything that has to do with business leaders. As a bonus, the process of seeking out someone to mentor you also becomes a targeted effort in networking. As you are connecting with potential mentors, you are also meeting new people that can help you in your business endeavors.

You might not need these people or what their respective businesses have to offer your company right now, but as your brand grows new needs and requirements may come up – and now you know someone who can fill that void. Stay connected via resources such as Linkedin and industry meetups.

You have a lot of innovative and savvy business ideas just waiting for an opportunity to shine. You also only have a finite number of hours in each day. You need creative ways to take back your time. Luckily, by trying one or all of these ways to level up, you will carve out more time and scale your business for success.

Do not let fear hold you back. And remember, when you need assistance, look for the helpers. They may be looking for you, too, and an amazing business partnership can be created. It is probably already there, just waiting for you to take the first step. Do it today.

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