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Infographic – US, China Lead in Space Investments

Chart: Private space investments
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12 Nov. 2022. As economic development in space is being turned over to private enterprise, the United States and China are taking the lead in investments in those companies. Data collected by Space Capital, a venture investor in companies developing space-based technologies, shows $265 billion invested in these start-up companies since 2014. Business research company Statista displayed the data this week in chart form.

More than $76 billion of those dollars are invested in U.S. or Chinese businesses developing space technologies, with companies in Singapore, the U.K., Indonesia, India, France, and Canada dividing most of the remainder. Those technologies include GPS, geospatial intelligence, communications, support for academic research, and tourism.

Space Capital says over the past 10 years, some $268 billion has been invested by private funders in 1,753 different companies in this sector. As seen in other industries, however, investments in space technologies are down in 2022, with $3.4 billion invested in the third quarter of this year.

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