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Prototype U.K. Medical Records Card/Stick Developed

MyCare Card (EPSRC)
MyCare Card (EPSRC)

Two universities in the U.K. have developed a prototype smart card fitted with mass memory stick containing an individual’s medical records. The MyCare Card prototype was developed by City University London and Coventry University, with funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

The MyCare Card, pictured left,  stores personal medical data, such as information on existing medical conditions, allergies, and medications being taken. The data are stored on a device like a common memory stick that fits inside the card area, and plugs into a computer’s USB port, allowing the data to be quickly accessed.

Information stored on the card/stick includes personal data entered by the holder, such as next-of-kin and emergency contacts. Hospitals, clinics, physicians, and pharmacies can add data about the individual’s medical conditions, history, and medications. The data also include a log of accesses to the information.

Separate browser software enables the card holder or medical professionals, once authenticated, to log-in and read the data. The data can help hospital emergency room staff or paramedics avoid life-threatening situations from patient allergies or hidden medical conditions. It can be particularly useful where the patient is not able to communicate with care givers.

The MyCare Card has been tested on small samples and is considered ready for a full-scale pilot. The three-year project is funded by an EPSRC grant of £260,000 ($US425,700).

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