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AngelSoft Becomes Gust, Offers Start-Up Funding Platform

Angel statue (Louise Docker/Wikimedia Commons)
(Louise Docker/Wikimedia Commons)

AngelSoft, a network of 600 angel investor groups, is rebranding itself under the new name Gust, and will offer both entrepreneurs and investors a common platform to make connections and develop partnerships. Gust says it has endorsements from more than 15 national and international investor associations, 150 venture capital funds, and 35,000 individual angel investors.

Gust says it offers start-up companies free tools to build Web-based presentations about their operations and plans that can be viewed by potential investors. Access to the start-ups’ pages can be controlled to limit access only to pre-approved investor prospects.

Investors — individuals, angel groups, or venture funds — that sign-up with Gust are likewise offered free tools that offer access to investment opportunities they are considering, as well as companies already in their investment portfolios.

AngelSoft was first formed in 2004. As AngelSoft, some 125,000 entrepreneurs completed company profiles that will now be available on the Gust platform. Gust says it plans to translate the platform into 11 languages — French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, German, Italian, Danish, Turkish, Russian, Arabic and Polish — and add support for smartphone and tablet users on iPhone/iPad, Android and Blackberry.

Organizations supporting Gust include Angel Capital Association, National Association of Seed and Venture Funds, National Venture Capital Association, New York Venture Capital Association, and Startup America Partnership.

Read more: U.S. Angel Investors Retreating from Start Up Deals

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