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First Mobile Charging Station for Electric Cars Unveiled

Angel car charging an electric vehicle (Nation-E AG)
Angel car charging an electric vehicle (Nation-E AG)

Nation-E AG, a Swiss developer of energy storage, smart metering, and power load management solutions, launched today what it says is the world’s first mobile charging station. Dubbed the Angel Car, the new vehicle provides the technology for charging batteries of stranded electric cars and trucks while on the road.

The company says that while the support infrastructure for electric cars is only in its early stages, governments are still encouraging electric vehicles as an alternative means of transportation in the upcoming decade. The Angel Car concept therefore offers a solution to buyers’ fears of being running out of power — also known as “range anxiety” — while the entire infrastructure of charging stations is developed.

The Angel Car mobile service unit has a 230 volt charger that can charge a stranded vehicle in less than 15 minutes with 2-3 kilowatt hours of power, giving the vehicle an additional range of 30 km (18.6 miles) to find a regular charging station. However, the Angel Car can be a savior only to those vehicles with Nation-E’s battery management system on board. That system lets Nation-E remotely examine the properties of the stranded car’s battery to determine the amount and intensity of energy needed to recharge it.

Hat tip: Gigaom


