Tag: challenge

  • Challenge Seeks Better Insecticide Performance Test Methods

    A new challenge on InnoCentive is looking for new methods or processes for tracking the interactions between insecticides and the pests they aim to kill. The competition has a total purse of $10,000 and a deadline of 18 November 2013 for proposals (free registration required). InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts conducts open-innovation, crowd-sourcing competitions for corporate…

  • P&G Seeking Ideas, Partners in Inkjet Printing Challenge

    Procter & Gamble Company in Cincinnati is seeking new ideas for applications of 3-D inkjet printing to add consumer appeal to packaging, as well as collaborators to bring those ideas to fruition. The campaign to find these ideas and partners is contained in a new challenge on InnoCentive, which has a deadline of 30 October…

  • Challenge Seeks Commercialization of Breast Cancer Advances

    A new challenge sponsored by the Avon Foundation for Women, with National Cancer Institute and Center for Advancing Innovation, aims to accelerate commercialization of unlicensed research discoveries related to breast cancer. In the Breast Cancer Start-up Challenge, Avon Foundation will award $250,000 to teams starting new companies that combine lab discoveries with solid business plans…

  • XPrize Cancels $10 Million Genomics Challenge

    The XPrize Foundation in Los Angeles cancelled a $10 million challenge to bring down the cost of genomic sequencing, saying the advance of technology has overtaken the purpose of the competition. Foundation chair and CEO Peter Diamandis announced the cancellation on Thursday in a Huffington Post article and on the challenge’s Web page. The Archon…

  • Simpler Internal Organ, Duct Imaging Sought in Challenge

    A new challenge on InnoCentive is looking for simpler tools or methods for imaging or conducting treatments in small ducts connected to the liver, gall bladder, or pancreas. The competition has a a prize purse of $25,000 and a deadline of 13 October 2013 for submissions (free registration required). InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts conducts open-innovation,…

  • Challenge Seeks Technique to Estimate Age from DNA Samples

    A new challenge on InnoCentive asks for a crowd-sourced solution for determining an individual’s age from a small sample of that person’s DNA. The competition has a a prize purse of $25,000 and a deadline of 7 October 2013 for submissions (free registration required). InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts conducts open-innovation, crowd-sourcing competitions for corporate and…

  • Inexpensive Robotic Power Line Inspection Device Developed

    An engineer at University of California in San Diego created a prototype device that propels itself along utility lines and can locate problems that need repair. The device, called SkySweeper and built by graduate student Nick Morozovsky, will be presented at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 3 to 8 November, in Tokyo.…

  • Crowdsourcing Can Aid Health Research, but Guidelines Needed

    Researchers from the medical and business schools at University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia evaluated crowdsourcing as a research tool in health care, and found it has potential to improve quality and lower costs of studies, but ground rules are needed for the technique. Findings from the team led by Penn emergency medicine professor Raina Merchant…

  • Challenge Seeks Point-of-Care Staph Bacteria Detector

    A new challenge on InnoCentive asks for ways to quickly diagnose Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonies in the nose and throat of patients with point-of-care devices. The competition, sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic, has a prize of $20,000 and a deadline for submissions of 27 August 2013. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts conducts open-innovation, crowd-sourcing competitions for…

  • GE Unveils Two Challenges on 3-D/Additive Manufacturing

      General Electric Company is holding two challenges that seek ideas and solutions from the science and engineering communities on three-dimensional printing applied to manufacturing. The company unveiled the competitions yesterday at the 2013 RAPID conference on additive manufacturing — a generic name for industrial 3-D printing — in Pittsburgh. Both challenges have an initial…