Tag: DoD

  • Process Devised for Custom-Made Composite Materials

    Materials scientists and engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge have developed a process for generating composite materials with customized mechanical properties. The team published its findings last month in the journal Advanced Materials (paid subscription required). The research, funded by the U.S. Army, started looking into materials that could serve as armor for…

  • Grants to Fund Research on High Altitude Sickness

    The Department of Defense has awarded two grants to the Altitude Research Center at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver to develop new ways to combat high altitude sickness. The grants, totaling $4 million, are aimed at finding ways to overcome Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) that often strikes service members in Afghanistan.…

  • Partnership To Advance Military Field Energy Sources

    A team from Maxwell Technologies Inc. in San Diego, California, University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and the U.S. Navy will develop a lighter, longer-lasting, energy source for field radios and other portable electronic equipment carried by military personnel. Maxwell Technologies says today that Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded the company a $1.7 million…

  • Small Business Research Grants Reauthorized in DADT Bill [Updated]

    UPDATE, 27 DECEMBER: My reading of the legislation and commentary was in error. It turns out the language to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell replaced the SBIR/STTR authorization text in the bill, not added to the original text, as I first reported. SBIR and STTR are still on a temporary authorization through the end of…

  • Nanosatellites Launched in SpaceX Falcon Vehicle

    Among the payloads in the commercial Space Exploration (SpaceX) Technologies Inc., Falcon 9 vehicle, launched into low-earth orbit on 8 December were two two small satellites, called nanosatellites, built by the U.S. Naval Research Lab. The lab, part of the Department of Defense,  says the launch of these satellites will help evaluate their utility  for…

  • Biotech Gets DARPA Grant for Respiratory Therapies

    Pulmatrix, a biotechnology company in Lexington, Massachusetts, said today it received a grant for $5.7 million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the Department of Defense, to further develop the company’s processes for the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections. DARPA identified Pulmatrix’s inhaled cationic airway lining modulators (iCALM) technology as a…

  • Academics, Company Develop High-Performance Nanotech Fiber

    Researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and MER Corporation in Tucson, Arizona have engineered a new kind of fiber that can absorb more energy than Kevlar, a fabric now woven into bulletproof vests and other industrial applications. MER — short for Materials and Electrochemical Research — Corporation develops high-tech materials, including those based on…

  • Grant Boosts Research Commercialization Group

    The Maryland Proof of Concept Alliance — a consortium of Maryland university research institutions and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory — has received a $5.1 million federal grant to support its work moving research findings from the lab to the marketplace. The Alliance helps researchers through the often tricky and (to the researchers) unfamiliar process…

  • Radar in Shoes Can Step In When GPS Fails

    A global positioning system (GPS) is handy if you’re in a location where the device can access the positioning satellite, but at other times, such as in a building or underground, it doesn’t do much good. An engineering team at North Carolina State University (NCSU) in Raleigh and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania…

  • Small Business Grant Awarded for Helicopter R&D

    EMTEQ, an aviation engineering and avionics systems developer in New Berlin, Wisconsin, has received a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research for research on a lighting system for helicopter rotor blades. The award is part of the Department of Defense SBIR program, which devotes part of its R&D…