Tag: Canada

  • Commercial Genome Service Launches Based on Open Data

    A start-up software company is offering genetic analysis services for research and precision medicine that comply with open standards and access Google’s genomic data sets.

  • University Spin-Off Developing Sepsis Drug

    A spin-off enterprise from University of British Columbia is licensing a cholesterol-lowering drug from drug maker Novartis to develop a treatment for sepsis and other severe infections.

  • Robo-Bacteria Engineered for Cancer Drug Delivery

    A biomedical engineering team designed a technology for precise deployment of drugs to tumors with bacteria modified to deliver their cargoes.

  • University Spin-Off Developing Chemical ID Devices

    A start-up company is licensing research from labs at Harvard University to make portable devices that quickly identify the chemistry of liquids.

  • Microneedle System Designed for Drug Monitoring

    Researchers designed a device that measures drug concentrations in patients with tiny microneedles on the skin rather than frequent invasive blood tests.

  • Fast, Inexpensive Test for Water Bacteria Developed

    18 May 2016. A team at York University in Toronto designed a water-testing kit connecting to a smartphone that makes testing for water-borne bacteria faster and less expensive. The Mobile Water Kit, from the lab of engineering professor Sushanta Mitra, is described in a recent issue of the journal Analyst (free registration required). Developers of the…

  • Trial Shows Pain Drug Effective as Heroin Treatment

    7 April 2016. A clinical trial in Canada shows a drug already in use for chronic pain can serve as a substitute maintenance treatment for people addicted to heroin. The findings of the trial, conducted by University of British Columbia in Vancouver and other institutions in Canada, appear 6 April in the journal JAMA Psychiatry.…

  • Quick Tests for Mosquito-Borne Viruses Being Developed

    22 March 2016. A Canadian company is developing diagnostic tests that it says can detect in 1 minute antibodies in blood indicating the early-stage presence of Zika and other mosquito-borne viruses. The company bioLytical Laboratories in Richmond, British Columbia says its proof-of-concept studies show the feasibility of these quick, point-of-care tests to diagnose dengue and…

  • Vibration Technology Developed to Diagnose Back Pain

    11 March 2016. Researchers at University of Alberta adapted engineering technologies using vibrations to develop a new way to diagnose spinal problems causing back pain.  The team led by Alberta physical therapy professor Greg Kawchuk reported results of tests comparing its technology to MRI in today’s (11 March) issue of the journal Scientific Reports. Kawchuk…

  • Platform Devised for 3-D Engineered Heart, Liver Tissue

    8 March 2016. An engineering team at University of Toronto designed and tested in lab animals a technology for growing synthetic heart and liver tissue for drug testing and eventual clinical use. Researchers led by chemical engineering professor Milica Radisic published their findings yesterday (7 March) in the journal Nature Materials; paid subscription required. Radisic…