Tag: challenge

  • Award Funds Malaria Drug Anti-Counterfeiting Technology

    The organization Saving Lives at Birth has awarded a Boston University engineering professor a grant to complete development of technology that can determine the potency of drugs like those to treat malaria. The two-year $250,000 grant will fund Muhammad Zaman’s (pictured left) work on PharmaCheck, a handheld microfluidic — lab-on-a-chip — device. PharmaCheck scans pills…

  • Challenge Seeks Algorithm to Predict ALS Progression

    A new challenge competition seeks mathematical tools to predict the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease based on the patient’s current disease status. The competition, handled through the open innovation company InnoCentive, has a prize of $25,000 and a deadline of 15 October 2012. ALS, which affects 5 out of every…

  • Challenge Seeks Method to Connect Tissues Without Sutures

    A new challenge on InnoCentive seeks a method for surgically connecting fluid-bearing tissues without using sutures. The competition, sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic, has a maximum prize of $30,000 and a final submission deadline of 12 August 2012. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts conducts open-innovation, crowd-sourcing competitions for corporate and organization sponsors. The Cleveland Clinic notes…

  • EPA/NIH Challenge Seeks Air Pollution, Physiology Sensor

    Two federal agencies will award a total of $160,000 for sensors that can map air pollution concentrations, but also provide the physiological responses to those pollutants. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of National Institutes of Health, are sponsoring the My Air, My Health Challenge with InnoCentive,…

  • Challenge Seeks Regional Advanced Manufacturing Solutions

    Six U.S. federal agencies, including National Science Foundation, are funding a new challenge that seeks ways of building a region’s manufacturing capabilities. In addition to NSF, the Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge — the third of these competitions — is supported by Economic Development Administration and National Institute of Standards and Technology in…

  • $2.25M Challenge Seeks Health Care Sensing Technologies

    Nokia Corporation, a developer of mobile systems in Espoo, Finland, is sponsoring a challenge to generate innovative ideas for sensing technologies to improve the conduct of health care. The Nokia Sensing X Challenge is conducted with the X-Prize Foundation and has a total prize fund of $2.25 million. The competition seeks ideas for real-time collection…

  • Challenge Seeks Electric Power Utility Service Enhancements

    A new challenge on InnoCentive seeks ideas to improve the process for electric power utilities to deploy two types of electricity services in a timely, cost-effective manner. The challenge has a payout of $15,000 and a deadline of 8 July for submissions. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts is a company the conducts open-innovation, crowd-sourcing competitions for…

  • Challenge Seeks Solution for Tracking Electronic Waste

    A challenge on InnoCentive seeks solutions for tracking shipments of used electronic components and subsystems and ensuring that they are disposed responsibly. The crowd-sourced contest will award prizes totaling $10,000 and has a deadline extended to 3 June 2012. The challenge is co-sponsored by IT services company EMC Corporation and the Environmental Defense Fund. Participants…

  • White House Issues Outline for Bioscience-Based Economy

    The Office of Science and Technology Policy in the White House today released a national Bioeconomy Blueprint that it says will harness biological research to address national priorities. The plan outlines actions to be undertaken by federal agencies. No mention is made of new legislation, although the administration’s latest budget submission identified as a priority…

  • Challenge Seeks Atmospheric Benzene, Butadiene Monitors

    A new challenge on InnoCentive seeks a process or technology that can quickly detect benzene and 1,3 butadiene gases in low concentrations in the air. The challenge has an award of $30,000 and a deadline of 4 June 2012. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts is a company the conducts open-innovation, crowd-sourcing competitions for corporate and organization…