Tag: Asia

  • Design for Microenterprise Helps Target Emerging Markets

    Engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge recommend designing products for small entrepreneurial businesses as a strategy for success in large emerging markets, such as India and China. Graduate student Jesse Austin-Breneman and engineering professor Maria Yang describe their findings in a paper delivered last week at the International Design Engineering Technical Conference of…

  • Radiation Sensors Launched in Open-Source Satellites

    Radiation sensors made by Libelium, a developer of wireless sensor hardware in Zaragoza, Spain are part of the payload contained in CubeSat satellites launched this past weekend on a cargo mission by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The sensors are part of the first two ArduSat satellites made by open-platform satellite maker NanoSatisfi in San…

  • Gold Nanoparticles Configured into Stretchable Conductors

    Engineers and physicists at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor devised a method for transforming gold nanoparticles into conductive chains that stretch to nearly six times their original length and still conduct a current. The team led by Michigan chemical engineering professor Nicholas Kotov, with participants from the Korea Basic Science Institute in Daejeon, published…

  • Cell Therapy Technique Tested to Regenerate Back Discs

    Biomedical engineers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina developed a new biomaterial to deliver cells that repair the cushions between spinal discs and relieve the pain when that material degenerates. The team led by biomedical engineering professor Lori Setton — with colleagues from Duke, Singapore, and Taiwan — published their proof-of-concept findings last week…

  • Synthetic Biology Census Shows Company Growth, Consolidation

    A census of organizations, agencies, and companies involved in synthetic biology shows rapid growth of the field in the past four years, but also some retrenchment, particularly in the private sector. The study was conducted by the Synthetic Biology Project, an initiative of Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. The Wilson Center…

  • Lab-On-A-Chip Diagnoses Multiple Tropical Diseases

    The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore’s main science funding agency, and Singapore clinical chip manufacturer Veredus Laboratories unveiled a new automated lab-on-a-chip device that can diagnose 13 tropical diseases from a single blood sample. Veredus is a subsidiary of STMicroelectronics specializing in medical diagnostics. The partnership between A*Star and Veredus that developed…

  • University, Companies to Partner on Wound Care Sensors

    Researchers at University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland and Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar are collaborating on development of sensors that monitor wound dressings, starting with a product created by a spin-off company from Strathclyde. The three-year project is funded by the Qatar National Research Fund, but financial aspects of the agreement were not disclosed.…

  • Surgical Masks Shown to Cut Flu Transmission

    Public health researchers at University of Maryland, with colleagues at Harvard, Boston University, and University of Hong Kong identified the main ways flu virus spreads through populations and specifically recommend flu sufferers wear surgical masks to stop the virus. The team led by Maryland and Harvard professor Donald Milton published their findings yesterday in the…

  • Material Engineered to More Efficiently Capture CO2

    Researchers at University of South Florida in Tampa and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia (KAUST) developed a new type of metal-organic material with the ability to effectively capture carbon dioxide in the presence of water vapor, which had not been previously possible. The team led by South Florida chemistry professor…

  • Mylan Acquires Generic Injectables Manufacturer for $1.6B

    Mylan Inc., a producer of generic and specialty branded drugs in Pittsburgh, will acquire Agila Specialties in Bangalore, India, a developer of generic inectable drugs and division of Strides Arcolab Ltd. Mylan will pay $1.6 billion cash for Agila Specialties, with up to $250 million in contingent payments possible later on. Mylan offers some 1,100…