Tag: challenge

  • $50K Challenge Seeks Higher Nutritional Value in Crop Tissue

    A challenge on InnoCentive seeks new strategies through chemical, mechanical, or other means to improve the nutritional value of crop plant tissues. The competition has a prize of $50,000 and a deadline of 13 December 2011 for submissions. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts is a company the conducts open-innovation crowd-sourcing competitions for corporate and organization sponsors.…

  • $100K Challenge Seeks Responsive Insulin Delivery

    A new challenge at InnoCentive seeks new ideas for the development of “glucose-responsive insulin” that would respond to the needs of the individual rather than deliver fixed dosage amounts. The competition has a prize of $100,000 and requires a written proposal. The deadline for entries is 9 November 2011. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts is a…

  • Challenge Seeks Process for Low-Abundance Protein Measures

    A challenge at InnoCentive seeks a sample processing technology or process that will reduce the concentration of high-abundance proteins in serum and plasma samples. The competition has a prize of $30,000 and requires a written proposal. The deadline for entries is 1 October 2011. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts is a company the conducts open-innovation crowd-sourcing…

  • Challenge Seeks Cost-Effective Fleet Vehicle Data Capture

    A challenge at InnoCentive seeks a more cost-effective way of capturing data from a large fleet of vehicles with little, if any, intervention by the drivers. The competition has a prize of $25,000 and requires a written proposal. The deadline for entries is 28 September 2011. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts is a company the conducts…

  • Challenge Seeks Independent Acutator for Radiator Thermostat

    A challenge at InnoCentive seeks a design of an independently powered actuator and power harvesting system for standard hot-water radiator thermostat valves. The competition, with a prize of $20,000, requires a written proposal. The due date for proposals is 22 September 2011. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts is a company the conducts open-innovation crowd-sourcing competitions for…

  • Challenge Seeks Sensor to Monitor Ligament, Tendon Repair

    A new challenge from InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts offers a $30,000 prize for a design of an implanted micro-sensor that reports displacement and mechanical load on healing ligament or tendon tissues. The deadline for submissions is 22 September 2011. InnoCentive conducts open-innovation challenge competitions for company or organization sponsors. The sponsor of this challenge is…

  • Challenge Seeks Method to Estimate Powder Flow

    InnoCentive, in Waltham. Massachusetts, that conducts crowdsourcing contests for sponsoring companies, has posted a new challenge seeking a method to estimate the “flowability” of powder blends based on the physical properties of the mixture. The challenge has a prize of $20,000 and a deadline of 7 September 2011. Powders can be difficult materials for which…

  • Challenges Focus on Quantification, Measurements of Metals

    Two challenges posted today (30 June) on InnoCentive seek solutions to problems involving quantification or measurements of properties of metals. InnoCentive, in Waltham, Massachusetts, is a company that conducts challenge competitions for sponsors, who for these challenges have decided to remain anonymous. One of today’s challenges seeks a method for in-line quantification and real-time reporting…

  • Challenge Seeks Increase in Hepatitis C Treatment

    A new challenge at InnoCentive, a company that conducts challenge contests for sponsoring organizations, seeks ways to increase the treatment rate of hepatitis C in Europe. The sponsor of this challenge, with a prize of $15,000, is not disclosed. The deadline for submissions is 22 August 2011. InnoCentive says the goal of the challenge is…

  • HHS to Use Challenges to Spur New Health Info Technology

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced its Investing in Innovations (i2) Initiative that offers prizes and competitions to accelerate development of solutions in health information technology. The program will be run from the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology. The i2 Initiative plans to use open-innovation methods, such…