Tag: Israel

  • $600M Venture Fund Targets Technology, Health Care Sectors

    Canaan Partners, a venture capital company in Menlo Park, California says it has closed contributions to a new fund to finance start-ups in the technology and health care fields. The company says the $600 million fund, the ninth such fund in its series, will support new technology and health care entrepreneurs. Canaan Partners says two-thirds…

  • New Radiation Therapy Directly Attacks Cancer Cells

    Researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel have developed a new method of tumor removal that improves the likelihood of permanently destroying the tumor, and reduce the odds of it returning. The ablation process devised by Tel Aviv medical researcher Yona Keisari and physicist Itzhak Kelson is described in the journal Translational Research (paid subscription…

  • Personalized Health Informatics Technology in Development

    A team of European and Israeli researchers is developing technology for real-time, personalized health monitoring that can minimize the number of follow-up visits patients need to make to health care providers. The EU has granted about €6 million ($US8.1 million) over four years to fund the project. The MOBIGUIDE project will involve researchers from five…

  • Solar Technology Developed for Current Electric Power Plants

    Researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel have come up with a technology that integrates solar energy into current gas turbine power generating plants. Engineering professor Avi Kribus (pictured left) and graduate student Maya Livshits describe their work online in Solar Energy Journal; paid subscription required. The process devised by Kribus and Livshits, called a…

  • iPhone App Helps Delay Need for Reading Glasses

    Software released for iPhones and based on the work of a research team at Tel Aviv University in Israel can help middle-age eyes delay their need for reading glasses. The research, led by Uri Polat, a professor at the university’s medical school, addresses presbyopia, a condition where  near vision deteriorates because eyes cannot focus as…

  • Guidelines Show Safe MRIs with Implanted Cardiac Devices

    Research conducted in the U.S. and Israel indicates that patients with implanted cardiac devices can safely undergo MRI scans, when a specified protocol is followed. The results of the study appear in the 4 October issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine (paid subscription required). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been considered off limits…

  • University Spin-Off Begins Trial of Stem Cell ALS Treatment

    A technology developed at Tel Aviv University in Israel and licensed to a spin-off company invokes the potential of bone-marrow stem cells as treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. A clinical trial, now in Israel and later in the U.S., to test the discovery is recruiting participants. The technology…

  • Simulation Improves Safety at Traffic Intersections

    A computer simulation developed at Tel Aviv University in Israel incorporates human behavior data with traffic statistics to determine environmental features that lead to black spots, intersections that experience a high incidence of traffic accidents. Environmental science Ph.D. student Gennady Waizman and colleagues discussed the SAFEPED model in July at the Geocomputation 2011 conference in…

  • Integrated Exploration Methods Urged for Oil and Gas

    Researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel have combined several surveying methods to develop an integrated prospecting technology for oil and gas. The methods proposed by geophysicist Lev Eppelbaum and zoologist Youri Katz appeared earlier this year in the journal Positioning. Eppelbaum and Katz created detailed structural-tectonic maps of Israel and surrounding areas from an…

  • Computer Model Helps Pinpoint Cancer Cell Targets

    Medical and computer scientists in Israel and the U.K. have developed a computer model of cancer cell metabolism, which can help predict which drugs are lethal to cancer cells. Their work was part of a research study reported online last week in the journal Nature (paid subscription required). Many cancer drugs are now designed to…