Tag: challenge

  • $1M Challenge Aims to Monitor DNA/RNA Sequencing of a Cell

    Life Technologies in Carlsbad, California unveiled a competition to enhance its current genomic sequencing capabilities to monitor the genome and transcriptome — corresponding ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules — derived from a single human cancer cell.  The company is offering a $1 million prize through a challenge on InnoCentive, a company that runs these crowd-sourcing competitions.…

  • Challenge Seeks Faster, Simpler Crop Analysis Methods

    A new challenge on InnoCentive seeks better tools for farmers to evaluate their management practices and improve the use of fertilizer and other crop inputs. The competition, sponsored by the Environmental Defense Fund and the Iowa Soybean Association, will award a $15,000 prize to the winning entry. The deadline for the challenge is 13 August…

  • U.S. Regional Industry Cluster Challenge Unveiled

    The Economic Development Administration (EDA), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, announced a funding competition to promote the development of regional collections of innovative businesses. The $33 million program, called the Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge, will fund 20 “high-growth industry clusters” that best spell out strategies for meeting opportunities or overcoming obstacles to…

  • Challenge Seeks New Pseudoephedrine Production Process

    InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts has released a challenge with a $100,000 award for new methods of producing the common medication pseudoephedrine that make it very difficult to extract ingredients for the illegal drug methamphetamine. InnoCentive acts as a marketplace that brings together companies or organizations seeking solutions with groups or individuals interested in providing those…

  • U.S. Agencies to Fund Green Technology Start Up Challenge

    The U.S. Commerce Department, with the Departments of Agriculture and Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, and National Science Foundation, opened their $12 million i6 Green Challenge for business incubators that help green technology entrepreneurs get started. This year’s competition is the second round for the i6 Green Challenge that began last year. Commerce’s Economic Development Administration…

  • Innovation Challenge Yields Type-1 Diabetes Ideas

    A collaboration between Harvard University and innovation/crowdsourcing company InnoCentive generated nearly 200 ideas for new strategies to cure Type-1 diabetes, with the 12 winners announced yesterday by Harvard. The winners each received a $2,500 prize. The program was funded by an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grant to Harvard Catalyst, the university’s cross-disciplinary clinical and…

  • New X Prize Challenge for Ocean Oil Cleanup

    The X Prize Foundation unveiled today a $1.4 million challenge competition to inspire scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to develop innovative new methods for cleaning up ocean oil spills. Teams taking part are encouraged to submit ideas for cleaning up spills or leaks from ships or tankers, land drainage, waste disposal, or oil platforms, the best-known…

  • GE Leads $200 Million Smart Grid Challenge

    GE and four venture capital companies unveiled a $200 million innovation challenge for ideas to improve and accelerate a smarter and more efficient electrical grid. The challenge is open to ideas from individuals or teams in business or other sectors. The ideas sought from challenge participants cover three broad themes … Renewable energy Grid efficiency…