Tag: Canada

  • University, Resorts Partner on Sun Safety Campaign

    Researchers at San Diego State University are partnering with vacation resorts in the U.S. and Canada to encourage their guests to practice smart sun protection. The San Diego team is headed by health communications professor Peter Andersen and funded by National Institutes of Health. “More than two million new cases of skin cancer are reported…

  • Investment Fund to Support Canadian Quantum Technologies

    Quantum Valley Investments, a new venture fund in Waterloo, Ontario, plans to invest $100 million to develop and commercialize quantum computing technologies in its region. The fund, started by Blackberry co-founders Michael Lazaridis and Doug Fregin, aims to make stimulate development of Waterloo and vicinity into a Quantum Valley technology hub, similar to Silicon Valley…

  • Computer Model Identifies Concussion-Producing Conditions

    Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and University of Ottawa in Canada developed a technique that combines computer modeling and imaging to calcuate damage capable of causing head trauma and concussion. The team led by Johns Hopkins engineering professor K.T. Ramesh published its findings in a recent issue of the Journal of Neurotrauma (paid…

  • Early Trial Shows Deep Brain Stimulation Effects on Anorexia

    Researchers at the University Health Network in Toronto found deep brain stimulation to help some patients with severe anorexia increase their body mass index and reduce related obsessions and compulsions. Results of the small-scale clinical trial were published online in today’s issue of the journal The Lancet (paid subscription required). Anorexia nervosa is an eating…

  • Gold Nanoparticle Biosensor Developed for Simple Diagnostics

    Biomedical engineers at University of Toronto in Canada developed a simple, portable DNA diagnostic process using gold nanoparticles and requiring only small specimen samples. The team of doctoral candidate Kyryl Zagorovsky and professor Warren Chan reported their findings online in a recent issue of the journal Angewandte Chemie (paid subscription required). Zagorovsky and Chan (pictured…

  • Synthetic Stool Found to Stop C. Difficile Infections

    Bioscientists at University of Guelph and University of Western Ontario in Canada created synthetic fecal matter for transplants that in early human trials stopped C. difficile infections. The findings of the team led by Guelph’s Emma Allen-Vercoe (pictured right) appear online in the inaugural issue of the journal Microbiome. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a…

  • Simple Process Developed to Remove Smokestack CO2 Emissions

    Researchers at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) in Québec City, Canada are developing an economical method for removing most carbon dioxide from emissions put out by large industrial plants. The project led by INRS environmental scientist Guy Mercier, is funded by a two-year, $300,000 grant from Carbon Management Canada, a federal Canadian…

  • U.S. Alzheimer’s Patient Implanted with Deep Brain Pacemaker

    A patient in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease at Johns Hopkins medical center in Baltimore received an implanted deep-brain stimulation device, the first such surgery in the U.S. The implant is part of a clinical trial testing the deep brain stimulation device for Alzheimer’s disease patients made by Functional Neuromodulation Ltd. in Toronto, Ontario,…

  • Genomics Institute to Back Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Company

    Ontario Genomics Institute in Toronto, Canada is investing in Tissue Regeneration Therapeutics, also in Toronto, a company developing a technology for medical treatments with stems cells extracted from umbilical cords. Financial aspects of the investment were not disclosed. The technology developed by Tissue Regeneration Therapeutics uses human umbilical cord perivascular cells or HUCPVCs that are extracted…

  • Dual-Purpose Medical Imaging Contrast Agent Developed

    Biomedical engineers from University at Buffalo in New York and medical researchers at University of Toronto in Canada developed a new type of contrast agent applicable to two medical imaging technologies. The findings of the Buffalo-Toronto team are described in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (paid subscription required). The…