Tag: NSF

  • NSF: Companies Investing in R&D Made More Innovations

    Preliminary data from the National Science Foundation’s 2008 Business R&D and Innovation Survey (BRDIS) show large differences in making innovations when companies in the U.S. with R&D activity are compared to those without any R&D activity. These data are based on respondents to the survey and represent an estimated 1.5 million for-profit companies, publicly or…

  • Chemists Streamline Cooking Oil Conversion to Biodiesel

    As the U.S. seeks to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, the country continues to discard large quantities of waste vegetable oil — consider the quantity of oil used to cook one order of french fries, for example — that could be converted into bio-based fuels. But this process presents problems, notably the time and…

  • N.C. State Patents Computer Chip Materials Technology

    Researchers from North Carolina State University in Raleigh have patented technology that the developers say can change the global energy and communications infrastructure. The researchers, led by Jay Narayan, professor of materials science and engineering and co-holder of the patent, have developed the means to integrate gallium nitride (GaN) sensors and devices directly into silicon-based…

  • NSF Funding Innovation Research, Collaboration, Training

    National Science Foundation (NSF) has begun a new funding program, Accelerating Innovation Research, with two related activities to help accelerate the translation of new knowledge from research into products with market value. The activities aim to spur translation of fundamental research, to encourage collaboration between academia and industry, and to train students who understand innovation…

  • Grant Awarded for Natural Invasive Mussel Control

    National Science Foundation awarded Marrone Bio Innovations Inc. of Davis, California $600,000 in grants for naturally-based biotechnologies to control invasive mussels. The funding includes a $500,000 Small Business Technology Transfer Program grant for the project Commercialization of an Innovative Green Technology for Controlling Zebra Mussels and a $100,000 Technology Enhancement for Commercial Partnerships grant. Marrone…

  • Study IDs More Efficient Vaccine Supply Chain Processes

    New research identifies potential processes for drug manufacturers and public health officials to reduce pediatric vaccine supply shortages and still maximize immunity from disease by children. Researchers at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in New York have developed a mathematical framework to better understand the implications of the…

  • Sensors Developed to Measure Flood Damage to Bridges

    Floods have caused more than 60 percent of all bridge failures in the U.S. in the past 30 years, more than all other causes combined. Yet up to now, there have been no systematic ways of measuring the damage caused by floods on the bridge supports at the river bottom. Xiong “Bill” Yu, assistant professor…

  • Arizona, Texas Industry Research Consortiums in Partnership

    The Sensor, Signal and Information Processing center and consortium — known as SenSIP — at Arizona State University in Tempe has earned Industry/University Collaborative Research Center designation from National Science Foundation (NSF). SenSIP also formed a partnership with a similar consortium of four leading Texas research universities. SenSIP’s work involves research on technologies used in…

  • Georgia Tech to Offer Stem Cell Bio-manufacturing Program

    Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta has received a $3 million grant from National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop engineering methods for stem cell production, in order to meet the anticipated demand for stem cells. Stem cell research is destined to have a major impact on medical science in fields such as regenerative medicine, drug…

  • University-Business Partners Get Grant for Energy Project

    MTECH Laboratories in Ballston Spa, New York has received a Small Business Innovation Research grant from National Science Foundation to demonstrate the feasibility of its energy distribution system for large buildings. The grant funds joint research and development on power distribution with the nearby College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany,…