Tag: semiconductors

  • Electronic Conductivity Found in Bacteria Nanowires

    A team of microbiologists and physicists at University of Massachusetts in Amherst have discovered the ability of nanowires in a common microbe to transport electrons across long distances. The researchers published their findings online in the journal Nature Nanotechnology (paid subscription required). Microbiologist Derek Lovley with physicists Mark Tuominen, Nikhil Malvankar and colleagues found this…

  • Corp/Univ Project to Research Green Energy for Data Centers

    Chip maker AMD says it will take part with HP, Clarkson University, and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in a project researching the challenge of channeling renewable energy to data centers. Because wind and solar energy are intermittent power sources, the study will also seek ways to automatically shift a…

  • Project Developing Inexpensive Auto Safety Sensors

    An EU-funded project is developing a sensor system for smaller cars to detect distances between cars on the road, and other safety features. The system, consisting of a camera, lenses, and infared LED, is being built by the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) in Berlin, Germany, with the Italian automaker Fiat and chip…

  • International Team Develops Optical Packet Router

    Researchers from Spain, the Netherlands, and Canada have developed an optical router chip, capable of operating up to 100 times faster than currently available chips. The router, that incorporates the principle of directing packets of data, are described in the latest issue of the journal Optics Express. The new chip is capable of routing optical…

  • University Spin-Off to Develop Semiconductor Power Devices

    Anvil Semiconductors Ltd, a company created by University of Warwick in Coventry, U.K., will develop silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor power switches that promise to be smaller and more efficient than devices built on traditional silicon. The company was founded by Warwick engineering faculty Phil Mawby and Peter Ward, who designed the company’s development technology in…

  • Rollerball Pen Enables Hand-Drawn Electrical Circuits

    Materials scientists and engineers at University of Illinois in Champaign have developed a rollerball pen (pictured left) capable of writing electrical circuits and interconnects on paper, wood, and other surfaces. The team of faculty, postdoc, and students published their findings in the online issue of the journal Advanced Materials (paid subscription required). While it looks…

  • Sensitive Underwater Microphone Works at All Depths

    Researchers at Stanford University have developed a microphone for use at any depth and water pressure in the ocean, and is sensitive to a wide range of sounds. The research on the microphone, funded by Litton Systems, a subsidiary of Northrop-Grumman Corp., is published in the Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (paid subscription…

  • Simple, Safer Process Developed to Synthesize Graphene

    Scientists at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb say they have discovered a simple method for producing high yields of graphene, a carbon nanostructure with advanced capabilities, including as a potential platform for the next generation of integrated circuits. The NIU team’s findings appear online in the Journal of Materials Chemistry (free subscription required). Graphene is…

  • Intel to Partner with Universities on Secure Computing

    Intel Corporation in Mountain View, California says it has an agreement with five universities to collaborate on research to improve secure computing for the end user. Partnering on its second Intel Science and Technology Center (ISTC) is University of California at Berkeley that will serve as the center’s host, and Carnegie Mellon, Drexel, Duke, and…

  • Programming Protocol Cuts Computer Energy Use

    Researchers at University of Washington in Seattle have created a software programming protocol called EnerJ that reduces energy consumption in simulations by up to 50 percent. The computer scientists and engineers will present their research next week in San Jose, California at the Programming Language Design and Implementation annual meeting. The team led by UW…