Tag: Canada

  • Grant to Fund Drug Reformulation for HIV Therapy

    A $1.1 million grant from the National Research Council of Canada will fund research and development at University of British Columbia and iCo Therapeutics Inc. in Vancouver, B.C. to reformulate an existing drug into a therapy to fight HIV infection. The company iCo Therapeutics specializes in redosing or reformulating current drugs into new or expanded…

  • Canadian Universities Get $22M for Automotive Research

    The AUTO21 Network of Centres of Excellence, a Canadian auto industry research program, will get an infusion of $22 million to fund a series of new projects at Canadian universities for the next two years. The Canadian government will contribute $10 million to the fund, with manufacturers, parts makers, and materials suppliers proving the remainder.…

  • Venture Fund Raises $50M for Cleantech, Materials Start-Ups

    Pangaea Ventures Ltd. in Vancouver, British Columbia has raised $US 50 million for its Pangaea Ventures Fund III that aims to invest in early-stage cleantech companies using advanced materials technologies. Pangaea says the new investment fund expects to eventually raise $100 million. The limited partners in the fund are corporate and private-equity venture investors including…

  • Study: FDA Approves Drugs Faster Than in Europe, Canada

    Researchers at the Yale University medical school have found that since 2001, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) generally approves drug therapies faster and earlier than its counterparts in Canada and Europe. The findings of medical student Nicholas Downing and colleagues appear online in the New England Journal of Medicine. Downing’s team, under the…

  • Canadian Aircraft Industry Funding Materials Scientist

    A group of aircraft companies in Canada, with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), are supporting the research of Suong Van Hoa at Concordia University on a new composite materials manufacturing technique. The funding, valued at $3.4 million, will support Hoa’s work for five years at the Montreal institution. Hoa (pictured…

  • Start-Up Commercializing Genetic Microfluidic Chip

    Aquila Diagnostic Systems in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is taking to market a technology that collects small blood samples on a microfluidic chip for multiple genetic tests. The technology, now in prototype, was developed at University of Alberta, also in Edmonton, and licensed to Aquila for commercialization when the company was formed in 2009. The chip…

  • IBM, Universities Form Canadian Research Center

    IBM Corporation is establishing a new research and development center in Barrie, Ontario, part of a $210 million technology initiative involving research universities in the province. The plan calls for investments of $175 million by IBM, $20 million by the government of Canada, and $15 million by the Ontario government, with the creation of 145…

  • New PhD Grad, Professor Form Building Technology Company

    An engineering professor and recent PhD graduate at University of Toronto have developed a technology to protect tall buildings from high winds and earthquakes, and started a company to take the technology to market. Civil engineering professor Constantin Christopoulos and recent Ph.D. Michael Montgomery (pictured left) developed the technology over 10 years, and founded Kinetica…

  • Efficient, Economical Brain Imaging System in Development

    Biomedical and electrical engineers at University of Toronto have developed a neural imaging system that allows researchers to make much more complex maps of the brain with just one camera and one imaging platform. The team led by engineering professor Ofer Levi published its findings yesterday in the journal Biomedical Optics Express. Clinicians use neural…

  • Study Urges Deep Cut in Forage Fish Catch

    A task force of 13 environmental and marine researchers from North America, Australia, Europe, and South Africa recommends reducing the global catch of herring, anchovy, and other forage fish to maintain the ocean ecosystem and sustain supplies of larger commercial species. A report from the Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force, based at Stony Brook University…