Tag: NIH

  • Clinical Trial Advances Dengue Vaccine Candidate

    17 March 2016. A small-scale clinical trial testing an experimental vaccine with people given live dengue viruses shows the vaccine is effective in preventing dengue infections. The team from Johns Hopkins University and University of Vermont published its findings in yesterday’s (16 March) issue of Science Translational Medicine; paid subscription required. The vaccine, developed by…

  • Multiple Myeloma Gene Therapy Trial Underway

    19 February 2016. The biotechnology company bluebird bio began testing its experimental gene therapy for multiple myeloma in an early-stage clinical trial. The Cambridge, Massachusetts company — which spells its name in all lower-case letters — is also licensing the technology tested in the trial to the pharmaceutical company Celgene. Multiple myeloma is a cancer of…

  • Company Hosts Cancer Genome Cloud, Raises $45 Million

    16 February 2016. Seven Bridges Genomics, a computational biology company, unveiled its cloud-based cancer genome data sets, in one of three pilot tests for National Cancer Institute. The Cambridge, Massachusetts enterprise also raised $45 million in its first venture funding round. National Cancer Institute, part of National Institutes of Health, aims to make the Cancer…

  • Tick Genome Sequenced, Control Strategies ID’ed

    10 February 2016. A research consortium on three continents sequenced the genome of the black-legged tick, the insect responsible for Lyme disease and other conditions. The team of 93 authors from 46 institutions, led by entomologist Catherine Hill at Purdue University, published its findings in yesterday’s (9 February) issue of the journal Nature Communications, with…

  • Clinical Trials to Test Artificial Pancreas

    4 January 2016. Two new clinical trials are planned to test a smartphone-based closed-loop artificial pancreas system for people with type 1 diabetes. The system is developed by teams at University of Virginia in Charlottesville and Harvard University, and licensed for commercial development by TypeZero LLC, also in Charlottesville. The trials are funded by a…

  • Detailed Brain Activity Imaging Being Developed

    17 December 2015. An engineering group at University of Arizona is developing a new technology that promises to provide better images of electrical activity in the brain. The project, led by Arizona biomedical engineering professor Russell Witte, is funded by a three-year, $1.15 million grant from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, part of…

  • NIH Funding New Robotics for Disabled, Children

    4 December 2015. National Institutes of Health is funding research and development of new robotic devices to help older people or those with disabilities and serve as companions for children. Agencies in NIH plan to spend $2.2 million on these cooperative robotic, or co-robot, devices over the next five years, as part of the National…

  • Brain Tissue Banks Partner on Autism Research

    18 November 2015. Two repositories of brain tissue for research on neurological disorders agreed to coordinate their donation and distribution policies for studies of autism. The agreement aims to bring into alignment policies and practices of NeuroBioBank at National Institutes of Health and Autism BrainNet, a private tissue bank. The deal covers brain tissue samples…

  • Wearable Asthma Trigger Detector in Development

    4 November 2015. A wearable device that detects conditions triggering asthma attacks in children is being developed by a team of engineers and behavioral scientists. The four-year project brings together sensor designers at University of Maryland-Baltimore County and psychologists at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, funded by a $2 million grant from National Institute of…

  • Artificial Kidney Implant Gains $6 Million Funding

    3 November 2015. A collaboration of engineering and medical researchers is developing an implantable artificial kidney to reduce the need for dialysis in people with kidney failure awaiting a transplant. The four-year project combining teams from University of California in San Francisco with Vanderbilt University in Nashville, is funded by a $6 million grant from…